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Lakeland's Urban Forest

a photo at sun rise with a row of trees and bushes on the right side of a walking path and grass leading to a lake on the right side.

The City of Lakeland boasts over 56,000 publicly managed street and park trees and over 300 distinct tree species. Predominant tree species include slash pine (Pinus elliottii), common crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica), live oak (Quercus virginiana), cabbage palmetto (Sabal palmetto), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), and laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia). The public trees in Lakeland provide about 590 acres of the canopy, provide shade, reduce energy use, improve air quality, reduce carbon dioxide levels, mitigate stormwater runoff, and increase property values.  All of these effects are part of our effort to increase the quality of life for every citizen in Lakeland.

 In a cost-benefit analysis conducted by the U.S. Forest Service in 2011, the public trees in Lakeland were found to provide the city with a net annual benefit of $2,038,450.  In other words, the city receives $3.17 in benefits for every $1 spent on our municipal forestry program. The Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Department is responsible for the care and upkeep of our urban forest in order to sustain the economic and ecological benefits of our public trees. Some duties include:

  • Removing dead, dying, or dangerous trees
  • Pruning street trees to remove dead wood and lift tree canopies for vehicle access
  • Ensuring street trees do not impede lines of sight for traffic safety
  • Clearing street tree debris from public areas
  • First response during hurricane and storm events
  • Installing and relocating large trees in public areas
  • City of Lakeland Arboretum

    Text: "City of Lakeland Arboretum, Est. 2020" on top of the image of a magnolia tree in front on City Hall

    The City of Lakeland has been awarded a Level II Accreditation by The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program and The Morton Arboretum for achieving particular standards of professional practices deemed important for arboreta and botanic gardens. The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program is the only global initiative to officially recognize arboreta at various levels of development, capacity, and professionalism. The City of Lakeland Arboretum is also now recognized as an accredited arboretum in the Morton Register of Arboreta, a database of the world’s arboreta and gardens dedicated to woody plants.

    These beautiful tree collections were created and have been maintained for several decades by the City of Lakeland Parks Department. The vast variety of trees stand as a testament to the City’s unique interest in horticulture, arboriculture and botany over the years.

    Follow the links below to take a GPS enabled tour of our cataloged tree collections.

    Text: Lake Morton Flowering Tree Collection

    Hollis Garden Fruit Tree Collection

    Lake Wire Palm Collection - Coming Soon

    City Hall Palm Garden

    Palm Garden

  • Ordinances and Reporting Downed Trees

    Tree Crew
    For information or to report downed limbs or a tree on public property
    Please note: Private trees are not the purview of the City of Lakeland Parks and Recreation Department.

    Weekdays 7 AM-3:30 PM
    Parks Office
    Email TreeCrew@Lakelandgov.net or call 863.834.2233

    After Hours
    Lakeland Police Department non-emergency at 863.834.6900


    Tree Removal Permit Application - To remove a tree from a residential or commercial property if it is dead, diseased, damaged, or due to construction, etc


    City of Lakeland Landscape Ordinances - Found in the Land Development Code
    The link above will take you to the City of Lakeland Land Development Code. We are providing directions below on how to find the Landscape Ordinance in the Land Development Code.

    1. Follow the link: Land Development Code
    2. To access the City of Lakeland Land Development Codes, click “I agree” at the bottom of the page
    3. Landscaping, Trees, and Buffering General Site Development Standards are found in Article 4.5 in the following locations:
      • Contents:
        • Article & Page
        • 4.5.1 INTENT AND APPLICABILITY  4.33
        • 4.5.3 DEFINITIONS  4.36
        • 4.5.4 MINIMUM TREE DENSITY 4.38
        • 4.5.5 FOUNDATION LANDSCAPING 4.38
        • 4.5.6 STREET TREES  4.40
        • 4.5.7 VEHICLE USE AREAS 4.42
        • 4.5.9 BUFFERING OF PROTECTED USES  4.50
        • 4.5.10 TREE PRESERVATION 4.52
          • Tables of Qualified Trees and Plants 4.61
        • 4.5.13 ENFORCEMENT 4.81
        • 4.5.14 APPEALS 4.83


  • Other Helpful Links

    Florida Chapter of the International Society of Arborculture (ISA) - Resources for finding and hiring local certified arborists and overall tree care

    Florida Urban Forestry Council - Details and seminars about Florida state policies, tree care, and more

    National Arbor Day Foundation -Information on choosing and identifying trees, planting and care, the mission of the Arbor Day Foundation, and more

    The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) - An A-Z index to locate all of their research departments, information on plant diseases, care, identification, and governmental programs


As a convenience and for informational purposes only, the City of Lakeland provides external hyperlinks on its website, directing website users towards certain outside sites; links to these websites do not constitute the City of Lakeland’s endorsement or approval of linked websites, or the information, products or services contained therein. All links the City of Lakeland Provides are consistent with the mission of its website. However, the City of Lakeland exercises no editorial control over the information website users may find on external websites. The City of Lakeland also cannot attest to the accuracy or appropriateness of information provided by external websites and organizations. 

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