The Historic Lake Hunter Terrace Neighborhood is located on the western shore of Lake Hunter, only a short distance from Lakeland's downtown historic district. The neighborhood still maintains the natural beauty and characteristics that have always made it a charming place to live. Sloping brick streets, a mature tree canopy and a concentration of older homes contribute to the character and sense of community of this small historic district. Although originally subdivided in the early 1900's, two thirds of the development took place during and immediately following World War II. At that time, the traditional Bungalow style gave way to the Modern Masonry Vernacular style of home. The modern period brought in a combination of affordable wood frame and masonry construction to the area. The Historic Lake Hunter Terrace neighborhood is the first Modern neighborhood to be designated a historic district in Lakeland.
A map of the Historic Lake Hunter Terrace neighborhood.
Liaison: Vacant
Meetings: The association is reorganizing. Future meetings to be announced. Please contact us if you'd like to be a part.