If construction or expansion of any structure or of any impervious surface; or any change in use involving such structure or site; and if any part of the development site (lot or parcel) falls within a designated area of high aquifer recharge (500 ft from a City of Lakeland drinking water wellhead), then you must apply for and obtain a Wellhead Protection Permit.
To apply for the Wellhead Protection Permit you must submit:
The original hard copy of the Recording Instrument must be mailed to the address below. This is the only item that must be mailed. All other items can be emailed and do not have to be mailed.
Governing regulations and ordinances pertaining to the Wellhead Protection Program can be found at:
Florida Statutes: Title XXIX - Public Health: Chapter 403 - Environmental Control
Florida Administrative Code: Chapter 62-555 & Chapter 9J-5
Lakeland Land Development Code: Article 6
Submit all items except for the Recording Instrument via email to: tania.mcmillan@lakelandgov.net
Or mail to:
City of Lakeland
Water Utilities Administration
Attn: Tania McMillan
501 East Lemon Street W-ADMN/ENG Lakeland, FL 33801-5079
For more information please contact Tania McMillan at tania.mcmillan@lakelandgov.net or 863.834.6295