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Wastewater Treatment

A picture of a waste water treatment plant

City of Lakeland Wastewater Treatment Facilities

  • About Glendale

    The Glendale Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WWRF) is located at 1825 Glendale Street in Southeast Lakeland. The facility began operation in 1926 as a 2.5 MGD primary setting and sludge digestion facility. Treated effluent was discharged through Stahl Canal to Banana Lake, and ultimately the Peace River. In 1987 the City of Lakeland changed its discharge point by constructing a 1600-acre  Wetlands Treatment System (WTS), now called Se7en Wetlands, near Mulberry, FL. Effluent from the WWRF is pumped to the WTS and ultimately flows to the Alafia River.


    John Dickson - Chief Operator

    Phone: 863.834.8207
    Fax: 863.834.6271

  • About Northside

    The Northside Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WWRF) was designed in 1986 to treat wastewater flow from the North Lakeland Service Area. The Northside pumping station, which had discharged to the Glendale WWRF, acts as the major source of wastewater for the facility. Other major wastewater pumping stations that contribute flow to the Northside operations include Northeast, Socrum Loop, Wedgewood, Interstate, American Cyanamid, and Eastside Village pumping stations. Thus, the Northside plant provides for future growth in the northern sections of the City.

    In 1988, the Northside plant started operation. It is located just north of the McIntosh power plant. The facility was initially permitted for a 4.0 MGD annual average daily flow (AADF). In 1996 the Northside operation was expanded and now has a liquid treatment capacity of 8.0 MGD and a solids treatment capacity of 6.25 MGD. The facility uses a secondary treatment process to treat the raw wastewater. The process utilized is an Activated Sludge System that is called the "Carrousel Process".

    Treated effluent from the WWRF is pumped to a 1.5 MG storage tank located at the entrance to the plant site. Treated effluent is stored in the tank and is reused as cooling water by the McIntosh power plant. Cooling water requirements that exceed the flow from the Northside WWRF are supplied from the Glendale WWRF. Excess effluent, exceeding the requirements of the power plant, is bypassed for disposal at the Lakeland Artificial Wetlands Treatment System. Waste sludge from the WWTF is treated using a process to further reduce pathogens (PFRP). The process used is the Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) method. The ATAD process produces a Class A stabilized residual product. The Class A residuals are land applied in accordance with FDEP and EPA requirements.


    Tanya Alexander - Chief Operator 

    Phone: 863.834.8272
    Fax: 863.834.6271


  • About West Lakeland

    The West Lakeland Wasteload Reduction Facility reduces organic loading at the Glendale WRF by treating high-strength wastewater from industrial, commercial, and residential areas on the west side of Lakeland. The pretreatment facility has reduced organic loading to the Glendale WRF by approximately one-third or to pre-1997 levels.


    John Dickson - Chief Operator 

    Phone: 863.834.8207
    Fax: 863.834.6271