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Permit Fees

The following is a summary of permit and plans review fees for common construction activities.  They are provided to answer most general fee inquiries but are not exhaustive. Please refer to the current schedule contained in Resolution 5627 for official fees and charges for services.

Please note: the fees outlined in the resolution and below do not include State Surcharges of 2.5% of the Building Permit and Plans Review fees.

  • Permit Based on Valuation

    Permit fees when work authorized is based on valuation:

     $1.00 - $1,000  $40.50
     $1,001 - $10,000  $72.00
     $10,001 - $100,000  $72.00 for the first $10,000 of valuation plus $4.73 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
     $100,001 - $500,000 $497.70 for the first $100,000 of value plus $3.74 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000
     $500,001 - $1,000,000  $1,993.70 for the first $500,000 of value plus $1.58 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000
     $1,000,001 +  $2,783.70 for the first $1,000,000 of value plus $1.08 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof
  • Plan Review
    One and Two-Family Residential and Accessory Structures  $31.50 or 25% of the building permit fee, whichever is greater
    Mobile Home Setup  $31.50
    Commercial and Multi-Family Residential  $45.00 or 50% of the building permit fee, whichever is greater
    Plan Revision $31.50 for Residential; $45.00 for Commercial (per Trade)
  • Roofs

    Residential (shingle roofs):

     New shingle roof  $40.50 
     Re-roof of existing shingle roof (includes two inspections)  $72.00
     Additional requested inspections (each)  $31.50

    Commercial and Residential Roofs of Other Building Types:

    Calculated based on valuation.  Please see tab titled Permit Based on Valuation.

  • Electrical


    New Single-Family, duplex, or townhouse  $81.00
    Single family renovation, addition or alteration  $72.00
    Single family repair  $40.50
    Multi-family (base)  $72.00
    Multi-family (additional per unit)  $40.50


    New construction, addition, renovation, interior finish  $72.00 or $0.027 per square foot of building area, whichever is greater
    Warehouse, storage building and shell permits  $40.50 or $0.013 per square foot of building area, whichever is greater
    Low voltage wiring  $54.00 per building up to 6 units
    Low voltage wiring (additional per unit)  $5.40


    Trailer pedestal  $40.50
    Minor work (under 6 fixtures and 1 circuit)  $72.00
    CMO, Pool, Trailer Hookup, Temporary Power Pole, etc.  $80.00
    Re-inspection fee  $31.50
    Photovoltaic (residential and commercial)  $72.00
    Temporary Power Pole  $72.00
    Pool  $72.00
    All Electrical Work Not Listed Above  $72.00
  • Mechanical
    HVAC New Single-Family, Duplex, or Townhouse  $72.00
    HVAC Multi-Family (Base)  $40.50
    HVAC Multi-Family (Additional Per Unit)  $31.50
    HVAC Work in Existing Single-Family, Duplex or Townhouse  $72.00
    Boiler Installation or Alteration  $72.00
    Solar Heat or Heat Recovery System  $40.50
    Commercial Range Hood  $72.00
    Petroleum Tank Installation  $72.00
    Refrigeration Equipment Installation  $72.00
    Mobile Home  $40.50
    Commercial Change Out of Existing Equipment or New Equipment (per Unit)   
              Projects valued from $1.00 through $10,000.00  $72.00
              Projects valued above $10,000.00  $72.00 for the first $10,000.00 of valuation plus $4.73 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof to a maximum fee of $261.00
     All other mechanical work  $40.50 or $0.027 per square foot of conditioned area, whichever is greater
     Re-inspection fee  $31.50
  • Plumbing & Gas


    One (1) to Three (3) Fixture Waste Connection(s)  $72.00
     Each Additional Fixture  $4.50
    Sewer Connection  $31.50
    Sewer Cap  $31.50
    Grease Trap  $31.50
    Wells  $40.50
    Irrigation System  $72.00
    Solar Engineering System  $40.50
    Water Treatment Installation  $40.50
    Mobile Home Installation  $40.50
    Storm Sewer (First Outlet)  $31.50
    Storm sewer (Each Additional Outlet)  $4.50
    Private Water Systems  $40.50
    Re-inspection fee  $31.50


    One (1) to Three (3) Outlets  $72.00
     Each additional outlet  $4.50
    Inspection of Conversion Burners, Floor Furnaces, Incinerators, Boilers, Gas Central Heating or Air Conditioning Units (First Unit)  $72.00
     Each additional unit  $9.00
    Inspection of Venting Wall Furnaces and Water Heaters (First Unit)  $40.50
     Each additional unit  $9.00
    Re-inspection fee  $31.50
  • Signs
     Ground signs with an area of 50 square feet or less  $72.00
              Each additional square foot or fraction thereof, per square foot  $1.35
     Building signs (including wall, marquee, or awning signs) with an area of 50 square feet or less  $40.50
              Each additional square foot or fraction thereof, per square foot  $1.35
     Change in or replacement of sign face, ground or building signs  $31.50
     Temporary signs: Project announcement and construction signs  No Fee
     Plans review: Ground signs under 15 feet in height  $31.50
     Plans review: Ground signs 15 feet in height and over  $45.00
     Plans review: Building signs (any size)  $31.50
  • Demolition & Moving
     Demolition: for the demolition of any building or structure  $72.00 
     Moving: for the moving (relocation) of any building or structure  $72.00
  • Other
    Penalty fee (work commenced without permit) (first violation)  $150.00 
    Penalty fee (work commenced without permit) (second violation)  $300.00 
    Penalty fee (work commenced without permit) (third and subsequent violations)  $500.00 
    Annual Registration and Renewal of a Certificate of Registration for State Registered Contractor  $22.50
    Annual Registration for State Certified Contractor  No Charge
    Driveway permit (single access)  $45.00
    Driveway permit (multi-access)  $65.00
    Tent permit (120 - 400 square feet)  $18.00 per tent
    Tent permit (>400 square feet)  $49.50 per tent
    Tent with electric additional $25.00
    Zoning compliance determination (new construction)  $20.00
    Notice of Commencement  $5.00
    Permit extension  $40.00 to extend, $50.00 to reopen and extend
    Records maintenance (changes to active permits)  $20.00
    Re-inspection fee  $31.50


  • Private Provider

    The fee owner of a building or structure that chooses to use a private provider to provide building code inspection services pursuant to Sec. 553.791, Florida Statues, for plans review, inspections, or both, shall pay reduced permit and plan review fees, as applicable, as follows:


    Private Provider Plans Review                                                                                                          Rate

    Plan Review $31.50

    Private Provider Inspections

    Building Permit 15% of the Permit Fee Calculated by Valuation as provided in Sec. 3.A.
    Roof Permit 15% of the Roof Permit Fee as provided in Sec. 3.C.
    Electrical Permit 15% of the Electrical Permit Fee Provided in Sec. 3.D.
    Mechanical Permit 15% of the Mechanical Permit Fee as provided in Sec. 3.F.
    Plumbing Permit 15% of the Plumbing Permit Fee as provided in Sec. 3.F.
    Gas Permit 15% of the Gas Permit Fee as provided in Sec. 3.G.


    Private Provider Plans Review                                                                                                          Rate

    Plans Review Only 5% of the Building Permit Fee or $45.00, whichever is greater.
    Plans Review with Private Provider Inspections 50% of the Reduced Private Provider Building Permit Fee.

    Private Provider Inspections                                                                                                             Rate

    Building Permit 15% of the Permit Fee Calculated by Valuation as provided in Sec. 3.A.
    Roof Permit 15% of the Roof Permit Fee as Provided in  Sec. 3.C.
    Electrical Permit 15% of the Electrical Permit Fee provided in Sec. 3.D.
    Mechanical Permit 15% of the Mechanical Permit Fee as provided in Sec. 3.E.
    Plumbing Permit 15% of the Plumbing Permit Fee as provided in Sec.3.f.
    Gas Permit 15% of the Gas Permit Fee as provided in Sec. 3.G.

    L. Penalty Fees

    Any contractor that commences work for which a permit is required by the Building Code prior to obtaining such permit may, in addition to any other penalty which may be imposed by law or ordinance, be subject to a penalty of $150,00.