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  • Illustrated watercolor vegetables surrounding text "Vegetable Gardening, Lakeland Public Library" with UF IFAS Extension logo; link to Lakeland Libraries' event calendar

    Vegetable Gardening Workshop

    Join us in the Lakeland Public Library Meeting Room on Tuesday, March 25th from 10 AM to 11 AM to explore horticulture through an engaging collaborative program with the University of Florida!  No registration required.

    March topic: Vegetable gardening

  • Microsoft Word icon on navy checked background with text "Word Basics: Formatting" Larry R. Jackson Branch

    Word Basics: Formatting at Jackson Branch Library

    Join us at the Larry R. Jackson Branch Library on Tuesday, March 25th from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM to learn how to format documents in Microsoft Word to make them look the way you want and incorporate multimedia elements. 

    If you would like to use a library-provided laptop, registration is required and opens Tuesday, March 18th at 5:30 PM. You do not need to register if you bring your own device, but please know that this class will focus on Windows computers and some instruction may differ.

    Questions? Contact Ray Daugherty at 863.834.4291 or email Ray.Daugherty@lakelandgov.net.

  • Teddy bear reading an open book on yellow background and white flowers border with text Hora de Cuentos Bilingüe, Bilingual Storytime, Edades/Ages 2-5, Larry R. Jackson Branch Library

    Bilingual Spanish/English Storytime at Jackson Branch

    Traiga a su pequeño a la hora de cuentos en la Biblioteca de Larry R. Jackson. Disfrute de canciones, rimas y libros todo en Ingles y Español!

    Bring your little one to storytime at the Larry R. Jackson Library. Enjoy songs, rhymes and books in both English and Spanish!

    Thursday, March 27th at 10 AM

    Edades/Ages 2-5

    Questions? Contact Marine Acosta Ponce at 863.834.1828 or email marine.acostaponce@lakelandgov.net


  • Colorful background with books, flowers, lightbulbs, and swirls with text "La Biblioteca Viva! abril 8, 5:30 PM, Biblioteca Publica de Lakeland" and small bookcover of "El Olor De Las Orquideas by Mariana Garcia Luna"; link to Library event calendar

    ¡La biblioteca viva! Spanish Book Club

    Únase con nosotros en nuestra discusión de libro en español, ¡La biblioteca viva!, un club de lectura donde las historias cobran vida a través de la conversación y la interacción.

    Aquí, cada libro es una puerta abierta a nuevas ideas, culturas y emociones, transformando la experiencia de leer en un viaje compartido. ¡Ven y sé parte de una biblioteca que respira, escucha y conecta! La biblioteca viva se reune el segundo martes a las 5:30 PM de cada mes en la biblioteca principal de Lakeland.

    Para más información se puede comunicar con Angeles Otero o Luis Perez al teléfono 863.834.4276 o 863.863.4264.

    El olor de las orquídeas por Mariana García Luna

  • Five seated children looking off screen smiling; link to Lakeland Libraries' Storytime Programs event calendar

    Preschool Storytimes at Lakeland Libraries

    All three Lakeland Library locations have preschool storytimes for children ages 2-5 and their grownups! With stories, songs, rhymes and activities, storytimes promote the development of preliteracy, verbal and listening skills, and socio-emotional skills.

    Kelly Branch Library Storytimes (10:15 AM select Tuesdays) 
    April 1, 15

    Lakeland Public Library Storytimes (10 AM select Wednesdays) 
    March 26
    April 2, 9, 30

    Larry R. Jackson Branch Storytimes (10 AM select Thursdays) 
    April 3, 10, 17
    May 1, 8, 15, 22

    For more information, please contact the Kelly Branch Library 863.834.4286, Lakeland Public Library 863.834.4268, or Larry R. Jackson Branch Library 863.834.4288  

  • Libby logo on maroon background with text borrow ebooks, audiobooks & magazines; Link to Libby digital collection

    Introducing Magazines on Libby!

    Your favorite magazines are now available on your device with Libby, the library reading app! Browse and borrow from an incredible array of magazines covering a wide range of interests with no wait lists. From fashion and finance to science and society, there’s something for everyone. Get started today for free with your library card on Libby!