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Additional Services

  • Hand reaching for papers in a printer tray


    • All library computers at the Lakeland Public Library and Larry R. Jackson Branch, as well as Chromebooks at the Kelly Branch Library, are able to print.
    • Print jobs will remain in the system for 24 hours.
    • Black and white printouts are 10¢ per page.
    • Color printouts are 50¢ per page.
    • With the Mobile Printing service patrons can submit documents to print, from remote locations on any internet connected device, to various branches.


  • Hands placing paper inside small black scanner


    • The Lakeland Public Library, Larry R. Jackson Branch Library, and Kelly Branch Library are able to scan documents free of charge.
    • Scanned documents must be saved to a flash drive.
    • Customers are encouraged to bring their own USB drive, otherwise 1G Flash drives are available to purchase for $4.50.

  • Computer keyboard with large blue key that says "Fax" and has a printed image of a fax machine


    • All library locations are able to send/receive faxes.
    • Faxing costs $1/faxed page (cover pages are free).

Reciprocal Borrowing

Libraries participating in the Tampa Bay Library Consortium’s Reciprocal Borrowing Program have agreed to allow users from other library systems to check out materials free of charge.

To use this privilege, Library users can take the library card issued from their “home” location to register for a card at another participating location.

This program is available for patrons of participating libraries only.

Borrower Responsibilities

  • Present your library card to a reciprocal borrowing library to register for library privileges in that library system.
  • Be in good standing at your local library.
  • Be informed and abide by the rules and policies of the participating libraries you use.
  • Assume responsibility for all materials borrowed on your cards, including payment for lost/damaged materials, overdue fines or other fees.
  • Return materials to any participating library in a timely manner according to the rules of the lending library.

List of participating TBLC Reciprocal Libraries.

Updated 2023



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