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Assistive Services & Technologies

Assistive Services & Technologies are the library resources that help to make it possible for individuals with a visual, physical, hearing, or speech disability to access library materials, equipment, and services.

All branches of the Lakeland Public Library are accessible to persons using wheelchairs.

  • Optelec Clearview+ desktop screen magnifier machine

    Screen Magnifiers

    All library public access computers are equipped with the Microsoft Windows Accessibility magnifier, which makes the computer screen more readable by creating a separate window that displays a magnified portion of the screen.

    The Main Library location also has an Optelec Clearview+ desktop video magnifier (pictured above) available by request.

  • Hearing Loop logo with text Hearing Loop

    Hearing Loop

    The Hearing Loop is a self-contained, fully portable audio frequency induction loop system built in to an ergonomically designed clipboard-style housing is available at the Lakeland Public Library, the Larry Jackson Library and the Kelly Branch Library.  The devices are located at the customer desk in each location, and feature the distinctive hearing impaired signage that mark the registration location. 

    The Lakeland Public Library Main Meeting Room is also equipped with a Hearing Loop system.

  • JAWS screen reading software logo


    The Lakeland Public Library and Larry R. Jackson Branch Library each have an adaptive computer station in their public computer areas featuring JAWS screen reader software, headphones, and high-contrast keyboard.

  • Sign Language Interpreters logo of two hands in white on a blue circle


    In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statute, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, or those requiring language assistance (free of charge) should contact the City of Lakeland ADA Specialist.  Because providing a reasonable accommodation may require outside assistance, organizations, or resources, the City asks that any request be made with as much notice as possible, preferably 72 hours, but no later than 48 hours in advance of the event, at: (863) 834-8444, Email: ADASpecialist@lakelandgov.netIf hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers: Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-(800) 955-8771 (TDD – Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service number: 1-(800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

  • Florida Relay Service logo

    Florida Relay Service

    Florida Relay Service (FRS) is a telephone relay service provided for persons with hearing or speech disabilities.

    The FRS provides a communication link between people who use standard telephone equipment and those individuals who use a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD). A communication assistant at a FRS center answers the call and serves as a liaison between the person using the TDD and the person using standard telephone equipment. Persons without hearing disabilities who are trying to reach individuals who use a TDD may also use the relay service. All conversations are confidential. There is no charge for local calls and long distance calls are offered at discounted rates.

    All voice telephone numbers on this website may be reached by persons using TTY / TDD equipment by calling the Florida Relay Service at 7‑1‑1.

  • View of the front entrance and drive at the Lakeland Public Library

    Our Visit to the Library

    The Lakeland Public Library partnered with Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) to create a Visual Support Story to help you prepare and understand what to expect during your library visit. The Service Desk will also provide a "Distract Box" of fidgets for comfort, as well as a physical copy of the support story.


    Tour the Lakeland Public Library.