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Contractor/Design Professional Information

Life-Safety System Inspection Reports and Fire Alarm Notices of Service

All life-safety systems are required to be inspected by an appropriately licensed contractor per the applicable NFPA standard. Florida State Statute 633.312(3)(a) requires the inspecting contractor to provide the local authority having jurisdiction a copy of the applicable uniform summary inspection report. Reports for locations within the City limits of Lakeland shall be e-mailed to prevention@lakelandgov.net.

Monitored fire alarm systems also have the following requirements, listed in the FAC 69A-48.008:

  1. Monitored fire alarm systems shall be installed and operated in accordance with the applicable NFPA standards incorporated by reference in Rule 69A-3.012, FAC.
  2. Any person currently providing or proposing to provide fire alarm monitoring services to protected premises (service provider) shall notify the authority having jurisdiction in writing at least ten days before offering the service. The service provider shall notify the authority having jurisdiction verbally within 24 hours of discontinuing monitoring services to a protected premise. The service provider shall confirm the verbal notification by submitting written notification to the authority having jurisdiction within ten days of the discontinuance of monitoring services.
  3. If there is a change in service provider for an existing fire alarm monitoring service, the new service provider shall, within 48 hours of the service transfer, submit to the authority having jurisdiction a completed and fully executed Form DFS-K3-2016, Report of Change of Alarm System Service Provider, effective 09/21, which is incorporated by reference herein. A copy of this form may be obtained by writing to the Bureau of Fire Prevention, Division of State Fire Marshal, Department of Financial Services, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0345, or by downloading the document from the Bureau’s website.

Verbal notification can be made to the assigned inspector. Find your inspector and contact information here or to the Fire Marshal at (863)834-8261. Written notification for locations within the City limits of Lakeland shall be e-mailed to Prevention@lakelandgov.net.

To verify if the location is in the city limits of Lakeland, please click here.


Two-way Radio Enhancement Systems

It is crucial that first responders have clear, effective, two-way communication in commercial buildings.

The Florida Fire Prevention Code requires “in all new and existing buildings, minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications shall be maintained at a level determined by the AHJ.” (1:11.10.1)

The City of Lakeland has established -110 dBm with a DAQ of 3.4 as the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications. Please click here for Lakeland’s specific information, including frequencies used.

Design Professionals Information

To assist design professionals, basic Florida Fire Prevention Code information to consider before the submittal of plans for review is listed here. Items specific to Lakeland are in the document in bold, red print.

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