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Solid Waste & Recycling

Finance Customer Billing provides responses to customer’s inquiries regarding their solid waste charges.  Additionally, we handle all commercial requests for services ranging from a missed pick up to establishing new service or a change in service.  We are very happy to assist with all requests and we encourage you to contact us at any time.  If you are a residential customer and require more information, please direct your inquiries to Solid Waste.

                         Image of the Sustain the Future Logo for Recycle Reuse and Reduce Campaign

Solid Waste & Recycling Customer Service

Below are helpful links that will assist in your search for various documents or answers to your questions.  If you need anything further, please feel free to contact Finance Customer Billing and someone will provide you with assistance by the end of the day.




Holiday Schedule

Residential Rates

Commercial Rates/Roll off Services





Seasonal Rate 

Hold Harmless Agreement - Yard Waste

Hold Harmless Agreement - Roll Off Dumpster

Schedule of Fees 

Service Request 

Recycling Request Form