The Conceptual Review process is a way to bring you into the City and meet virtually with the primary Department personnel responsible for reviewing and permitting your development project. This is a discovery meeting where we discuss your general plans, needs, constraints, and goals for the property. Development projects are often affected by multiple City ordinances, codes, and requirements of various Departments within the City. In this meeting, we will provide you with the codes, ordinances and requirements that are applicable to your development.
The purpose of the Design Review Team is to review any changes which may affect the visual quality and functionality of City property, including interior and exteriors of buildings, streets and sidewalks, parking lots, parks, playgrounds and open spaces.
On March 15, 2017 the City of Lakeland adopted the mandatory usage of iMS and ePlan (Project Dox) for application and plan submittals. Paper plans will not be accepted and will be rejected. You will be referred to submitting online. To avoid any delays, please familiarize yourself or your agent with our online submittal system.
The Development Review Team (DRT) is comprised of representatives from reviewing departments including Community & Economic Development, Public Works, Water Utilities, Fire Prevention, Lakeland Electric, Telecommunications, and Parks and Recreation.
Development Reviews include, but are not necessarily limited to:
The DRT generally meets twice per month. 2025 DRT Meeting Schedule
All site plan projects are being processed electronically by the City of Lakeland. Please follow the same steps to apply for Site Plan Review as you would Concept Review.
Site plan review is a formal detailed review of a project or proposal for development, redevelopment or for changes of use at a given location. This process takes into careful consideration the proposed design (massing, scale, materials, etc.), function, location, operational aspects, type of use, and compatibility of the proposal with the surrounding area to ensure that individually, and cumulatively, any potential adverse impacts are addressed and mitigated early to protect land values, and to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare in support of the goals and objectives for which this chapter is established.
Substantial public responsibility is created by each new development, involving the maintenance of streets and drainage facilities, and the provision of additional public services. As the general welfare, health, safety, and convenience of the community are thereby directly affected by the development of land, it is in the direct interest of the public that site development be conceived, designed, and developed in accordance with minimum standards of the Land Development Code and in accordance with sound engineering practices. It is advisable that the applicant, their engineer and architect meet with the Development Review Team (DRT) to discuss the proposed development prior to submitting a formal application. An approved site plan is required prior to the issuance of any building permits. It shall be considered unlawful for any person to construct, erect, or alter a building or structure or to develop, change, or improve land for which a site plan is required except in accordance with an approved site plan. Upon site plan approval and issuance of a building permit, the development shall be built in accordance with the approved site plan and site plan regulations.
Note: The reader is advised to review the City of Lakeland Land Development Code for full technical specification, regulations and zoning requirements, which shall be addressed in the Site Plan approval process. For additional information pertaining to each site plan requirements, please refer to the Site Plan Regulations. In the event an applicant decides to withdraw their application after it has been submitted, the City of Lakeland will assess the refund amount based on the value of the service rendered.