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Economic Development Strategy for Memorial Boulevard

The City is undertaking an Economic Development Strategy study in collaboration with Ayres, a planning, design, and engineering firm to take a proactive and cohesive approach to revitalizing the corridor. The main objectives of the study are:

  • Formulate an economic development vision through a community-driven process.
  • Draft innovative strategies that align local planning efforts and planned infrastructure improvements.
  • Outline robust implementation steps for action.

The City of Lakeland is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in the nation. Memorial Boulevard extends 6 miles between I-4 and East Lake Parker Drive in the northern part of the City.  As public infrastructure investments are being made here, the City aims to improve the Memorial Boulevard (US 92) corridor to attract investments, strengthen the adjacent residential communities, enhance pedestrian safety, boost the local economy, and increase employment opportunities. To do this, we want your input!

What’s been done so far?

The project is being undertaken in two stages over 20 weeks:

  • Phase 1: Corridor Studies and Data Assessment
  • Phase 2: Economic Development Strategy

Initial discussions have been held with City staff and department heads, and Ayres has begun data collection, site studies, and the creation of GIS maps.

Zoning Map

Neighborhoods Map

Future Land Use

CRA Zones Map

Opportunity Zones Map

Bike Ped Facilities


Over 750 Survey Responses! The Survey has closed. Request survey results by emailing lced@lakelandgov.net.


AARP walkability Audit: Friday, January 17th, 2025. Request full report by emailing lced@lakelandgov.net.

A group photo of people wearing bright yellow vests. They participated in the AARP Memorial Blvd Walk Audit.A group of people wearing yellow vests walking Memorial Blvd to conduct a walkability study.


Public Meeting #1: Thursday, February 20, 2025; 6pm-8pm
Coleman-Bush Building
1104 Martin L King Jr. Ave
Lakeland, FL 33805


A public meeting with multiple tables. People are gathered at various tables speaking with organizers about the Memorial Blvd StudyA picture of a sign and a door. The sign is about the Memorial Blvd Study, and there is a public meeting happening just past the pictured doors.

A picture of a group of four people next to a large screen with a map of Memorial Blvd.A picture of a poster from Public Meeting #1. This is a timeline of Memorial Blvd milestones.


How can I be involved?

Attend a meeting

Public Meeting #2: Thursday, April 24, 2025; 6pm-8pm, @ Haus 820, 820 N Massachusetts Ave, Lakeland, FL 33801

What’s next?

The project consultants at Ayres have completed Phase 1 Corridor Studies and Data Assessment in conjunction with a public outreach effort. The Phase 2 work is anticipated to be completed in May 2025 to include further public outreach and a Final Economic Development Strategy & Implementation Report.


Questions? Contact Shelley Guiseppi, CRA Project Manager, City of Lakeland, Phone: 863-834-8025, Email: shelley.guiseppi@lakelandgov.net.