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Community Science

Turn you nature walk into a science hike! Become a Community Scientist by contributing your nature observation larger science projects!

  • iNaturalist

    iNaturalist is a global science project where individuals can submit photos of plants and animals from their mobile device. This free database allows you to upload your observations, ID your observations, and view observations from other users. Se7en Wetlands has a project page where observations from within the wetlands are compiled into a larger dataset. Since the launch of the Se7en Wetlands iNaturalist Project, over 2,000 observations of over 800 species have been submitted for the site!

    Can you help us identify more species on the site?

    Where to Start

    1. Create an iNaturalist account on the mobile app or on the iNaturalist website
    2. Join the Se7en Wetlands Project Page
    3. Record your first observation - learn more here: How to Make and Observation
      1. Tip! iNaturalist can help you identify your observations - select "What did you see?" in your observation to see iNaturalist's suggested ID
      2. Use "seek", an app by iNaturalist, to help with quick field identifications
    4. Assist other observers with identification - learn more here: How to Identify Other Users Observations

    Most Observed Species at Se7en Wetlands

    1. American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
    2. Gulf Fritillary (Dione vanillae)
    3. Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)
    4. Phasey Bean (Macroptilium lathyroides)
    5. Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

    Tips for Great Observations

    • Only make observations of wild organisms.
    • Even if you don't know exactly what the organism is, give it a category. If you know it's a plant, identify it as "Plant".
    • Some flowers are very similar in look but their leaves allow for identification of the species - try to include photos of flowers and their leaves/stem.

    Interested in learning more about iNaturalist and how to make observation at Se7en Wetlands? Reach out to Se7en.Wetlands@lakelandgov.net to schedule an iNaturalist Workshop!


  • eBird

    eBird is a free app that allows users to document the birds they see in a checklist. This checklist allows researchers to see real-time maps of species distributions and alerts birdwatchers to the species they can expect to see in their area. Se7en Wetlands is considered a "hot spot" in eBird, with over 150 bird species documented on the site.

    Can you help us observe our next 50 species?

    Where to Start

    1. Create an account on the eBird mobile app or on the Cornell Lab website
    2. Submit your first eBird checklist - learn more here: Enter Sightings with eBird Mobile
      1. Tip! "Merlin", an app by the Cornell Lab, can assist you in identifying bird calls in the field!
    3. Watch as your observations become science! Learn more here: eBird Science and Conservation 

    Se7en Wetlands Favorites - Observed Bird Species

    • Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonium)
    • Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)
    • Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus)
    • Wilson's Snipe (Gallinago delicata)
    • Wood Stork (Mycteria americana)

    Tips for Great Observations

    • Only make observations of wild organisms.
    • If you can identify a bird by call, you can document it in your checklist.
    • Do not double count birds on the same checklist.

    Interested in learning more about eBird and how to complete bird surveys at Se7en Wetlands? Reach out to Se7en.Wetlands@lakelandgov.net to schedule an eBird Workshop!