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Residential Trash

The Solid Waste Division serves all residences within the city limits of Lakeland.

Residential Trash, Recycling & Yard Trash Collection Service Day Map

We encourage our customers to reach us via email SolidWasteManagement@lakelandgov.net

Services we provide:

  • Weekly Automated Garbage Collection 
  • Weekly Recycling Collection
  • Weekly Yard Waste Collection
  • Bulk Collection & Special Pickup Service (Please call or email us to schedule a pickup)
    (Bulk Collection & Special Pickups include items such as mattresses, furniture, & large appliances.)

Missing a Container?

If your trash or recycling containers are missing from your location, please contact our offices at 863.834.8773. We will search our RFID tag system for your lost container and return it to your residence or deliver a new container.

EZCAN Instructions

  1. Place ALL bags and small items INSIDE your cart. 
  2. Place cart curbside no later than 6:00 AM on your collection day.
  3. Place the cart curbside with the lid opening toward the street and the handle toward your home.
  4. Keep carts at least three (3) feet away from other carts, mailboxes, fire hydrants, low-hanging trees or shrubs, parked cars, and utility poles so trucks can easily access the cart.
  5. Do not load your carts with hot ashes or coals, recyclable items, household hazardous waste, medical waste, paint cans, tires, lithium-ion batteries.
  6. Do not paint the outside of your carts. 
  7. Yard waste such as bagged or loose grass, leaves, or small branches. Yard waste is collected separately from trash and recycled.
Lakeland Cart Spacing - leave 3 feet between carts and objects