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Unacceptable Materials: Batteries & Electronics


Alkaline & Single-Use Batteries

Never include batteries or electronics in your recycling cart, despite any reference to recycling on these products.

Alkaline batteries or single-use batteries can be thrown in the trash. Nearly all of the alkaline batteries in use in Florida today have no added hazardous components. Under state law and regulations, alkaline batteries can be disposed of in the trash. Large lantern batteries are also alkaline batteries. 

Other Battery Types

Rechargeable batteries should not be in blue or green carts, as they can cause fires when compressed. These items are not recyclable in the blue cart program.

Where can I recycle rechargeable/other batteries?

Where to recycle electronics?

Two reasons NOT to include batteries or electronics in recycling:

  • Batteries can cause fires in recycling facilities. When compacted by recycling collection vehicles and sorting equipment, they can spark and cause a fire, putting workers and all recyclables at risk.
  • Like Styrofoam™, Clothing, and Food & Yard Waste, there is nowhere we can recycle batteries and electronics when placed in blue carts.