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Large Bulk Pickups

Arrange a Bulk Pickup

Please include in your email to Customer Service your address and the type of material you already have at the curb for collection or call 863.834.8773 to arrange a Bulk Pickup for any of the following items:

Customers are provided four (4) free yard waste and four (4) free bulk junk collections, up to 20 cubic yards each, per calendar year.  The calendar year runs from January 1st through December 31st. 

Alley Customers click here for bulk collection service requirements

  • Bulk Yard Waste

    What is Bulk Yard Waste?

    Bulk Yard Waste means plant material, such as tree branches and shrubbery trimmings too large to be containerized or the pile is larger than 6 feet by 4 feet in size. Items must not be longer than eight feet (8) in length for collection.

    Arrange for Bulk Yard Waste Collection

    Customers needing Bulk Yard Waste collection should email Customer Service with (1) your address and (2) the type of material you have for collection, or call 863.834.8773 to arrange a pickup.  

  • Used Furniture

    Used furniture, mattresses, box springs, bed frames, couches, chairs and other household items may be placed curbside.

    Residents needing Bulk Junk collection should email Customer Service with (1) your address and (2) the type of material you have for collection, or call 863.834.8773 to arrange a pickup. 

  • Used Appliances

    Used refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, washers, dryers, and small appliances are collected by a special bulk truck for recycling. Items must be curbside prior to pickup.

    Please email customer service or call our office at 863.834.8773

    Refrigerator and freezer doors MUST BE REMOVED for the safety of others.  

  • Dead Animals

    The Solid Waste Management Division is on call daily to remove dead animals from city streets and right of ways during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 7 AM to 4 PM.

    • The City of Lakeland does not remove dead animals from private property!
    • Weekends, holidays and after normal business hours (4:00 p.m. weekdays): Call the Lakeland Police Department at 863.834.6900.  DO NOT CALL 911, this is for EMERGENCIES ONLY.
  • Construction & Demolition Debris

    The Solid Waste Management Division does not pick up large amounts of this type of debris with the exception of small amounts of building debris from the homeowner's upkeep and maintenance of a residence.

    • Please bend nails over when protruding from lumber for pickup and place these items curbside.
    • If your repairs require a permit from the City or a private contractor has been hired to complete the job, the resulting debris must be removed by homeowner or contractor.
    • If you have questions about permits, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 863.834.6012.

Important Notice

We service customers inside the city limits of Lakeland.  If your garbage can is gray, and your recycle can is black, you are a Polk County customer and therefore not serviced by the City of Lakeland.  Please call the Polk County Solid Waste Department at 863.284.4319 for more info.