Cooking fires and recreational fires are allowed in the City of Lakeland as long as the following requirements are met:
• Only allowed material may be burned (e.g., Clean, cut wood).
• Fires are limited to three feet in diameter and two feet in height.
• Recreational fires shall not be located within 25 ft. of a structure or combustible material unless contained in an approved manner.
• A competent person shall constantly attend to these fires until such fire is extinguished.
• This person shall have a garden hose connected to the water supply or other fire-extinguishing equipment readily available for use.
The use or storage of barbecue grills on balconies or under overhangs is prohibited by the Florida Fire Prevention Code. A new exception allows listed electric portable, tabletop grills, such as a small George Foreman grill. Grills using charcoal, wood, or fuel shall be ten feet or further from any structure.
FFPC For other than one- and two-family dwellings, no hibachi, grill, or other similar devices used for cooking, heating, or any other purpose shall be used or kindled on any balcony, under any overhanging portion, or within 10 feet (3 m) of any structure.
FFPC 1: Listed electric portable, tabletop grills, not to exceed 200 square inches of cooking surface, or other similar apparatus shall be permitted.
FFPC other than one-and two-family dwellings, no hibachi, grill or similar devices used for cooking shall be stored on a balcony.
FFPC Storage of [LP gas] cylinders within a residential building, including the basement or any storage area in a common basement storage area in multiple-family buildings and attached garages, shall be limited to cylinders each with a maximum water capacity of 2.7 lb (1.2 kg) and shall not exceed 5.4 lb (2.4 kg) aggregate water capacity for smaller cylinders per each living space unit.
Chapter 83 of Florida Statutes provides owners, landlords, registered agents, or associations of apartment buildings, townhouses, or condominiums the right to exceed the requirements of the Florida Fire Prevention Code and prohibit any open cooking grills or burning on property.