The Lakeland Electric ED Rider Program is available for load associated with initial service to new General Service Customers or the expansion of existing General Service Customers and taking service under one of the following rate schedules: GSD, GSX-2, GSLD, GSX-3, ELDC, or ELDCX-1.
General Service Customers who desire service under Rider EDR must enter into a Service Agreement with Lakeland Electric. The New Load applicable under this Rider must be a minimum of 350 kW at a single delivery point. To qualify for service under this Rider, the General Service Customer must employ an additional work force of at least 25 full-time employees per 350 kW of New Load and comply with all provisions in the Service Agreement.
The load and employment requirements under the Rider must be achieved at the same delivery point. The General Service Customer shall be responsible for Facilities Charges for additional metering equipment that may be required to qualify for this Rider.
More information on Lakeland Electric EDR Program