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                  Stormwater 101                    

  • What is stormwater runoff?

    Impervious surfaces are areas covered by buildings, asphalt, concrete, or other materials that prevent water from seeping into the ground.  When it rains, much of the stormwater flows across impervious surfaces and becomes stormwater runoff.  During rain events, stormwater runoff can collect many types of pollution which then discharges directly into a lake, creek, wetland, canal, or pond. Pollution can include litter, fertilizers, oils, debris, chemicals, and yard waste. 

    The more buildings, streets, and parking lots we build, the more surface stormwater runoff is generated during each rainstorm.

  • What is stormwater pollution?

    As the stormwater runs off, it collects/picks up pollutants such as oil, trash, lawn debris, fertilizers and pesticides.  Pollutants in stormwater runoff is called stormwater pollution.

  • Why is stormwater pollution a problem that we should be concerned about?

    The replacement of vegetation with concrete and asphalt reduced the ability of the land to cleanse or remove pollutants from the water as it travels through the areas that drain to our lakes.  

    Without the benefit of treatment that comes with the natural sheetflow of water over native soils and vegetation, the pollutants contained in the stormwater runoff are discharges into our lakes, streams, wetlands, and underground aquifer.  

    Stormwater runoff is a significant source of pollution that can harm aquatic life and even contaminate the groundwater drinking supply. Depending on the type of pollutant and the land use, pollutant concentrations in the runoff from developed areas are often 10 to 100 (or more) times higher than runoff from undeveloped land.

    Stormwater runoff is now considered the greatest source of pollutant loading to Florida’s lakes, rivers and estuaries.

  • How can stormwater pollution be prevented?

    Only Rain Goes Down the Drain

    Never dump anything down a storm drain. Storm drains discharge directly to a lake, pond, creek, or wetland area. In Lakeland, storm drains do NOT drain to a wastewater facility.

    Best Management Practices 

    Stormwater ponds, treatment wetlands, and other types of systems known as Best Management Practices (BMPs) help reduce the amount of pollution getting to the lake. Pollutants may either settle out, be filtered through the pond bottom, or be taken up by the wetland plants that surround these ponds.

    Construction sites are also required to use BMPs to prevent sediment from leaving a site and entering a storm drain. There are several effective BMP methods that can be used at construction sites. Some of these include using silt fencing, storm drain protection, and stabilizing the entry.  

    Pollution Control Devices

    Pollution Control Devices (PCDs) capture and/or filter pollutants such as litter, yard waste, dirt, debris, and oils. Stormwater flows through PCDs and pollutants are trapped. Pollutants can be removed from the PCD before polluting the lake. The City of Lakeland, Lakes & Stormwater Division has installed many PCDs in strategic locations around several lakes. 



  • What do the storm drains flow into?

    Many are unaware that all of the storm drains in the City of Lakeland discharge to one of our lakes, wetlands, creeks, canals, or stormwater ponds. Therefore, anything that goes into the storm drain will end up in a lake, wetland, creek, canal, or stormwater pond.

  • What problems are caused by stormwater pollution?
    1. Pollution - As stormwater runs off of impervious surfaces (e.g. building/house rooftops, streets, parking lots, and driveways) it picks up contaminants and debris such as oil, grease, fertilizers, pesticides, litter, leaves and grass clippings. This stormwater runs through the miles of ditches and underground pipes that all lead to our lakes, streams and wetlands.  There it deposits the pollution that eventually will make its way to the underground aquifer, where our drinking water comes from. We need pollution control and stormwater treatment to reduce this contamination.

    2. Runoff - Heavy rains cause flooding in some areas of Lakeland.  The combination of flat terrain and limited natural or man-made stormwater drainage systems results in flooded streets, yards, and occasionally a home or business.  The City has worked hard to solve this problem, but there are areas yet to be addressed.


    The Stormwater Utility provides the funding necessary for a long-term commitment to improving water quality in Lakeland's lakes.  A 20-year comprehensive lake management plan was completed in 1996.  The planning document identified a program for maintaining our stormwater infrastructure, providing for stormwater treatment and restoring our lakes.

  • What is a watershed?

    A watershed is an area of land that stormwater flows across as it moves toward a common body of water, such as a lake, stream, river, or coastline. 

  • How can you help protect our watersheds?

    By following these seven simple steps, you can help improve the health of Florida’s watersheds now and for future generations:

    1. Use Fertilizers and Pesticides Sparingly: A Florida-friendly landscape minimizes the need for fertilizer and pesticides which protects the environment and saves money.  Applying more fertilizer that your yard can use allows excess nutrients to be transported by runoff.  This may cause algal blooms and lower the oxygen levels in the water bodies disrupting the natural balance within the watershed.  Toxins from the pesticides may kill beneficial organisms within the watershed. 
    2. Conserve Water: Use Florida-friendly landscaping to save water. Overwatering can damage lawns and plants.  In addition, excess water use stresses our water supply. 
    3. Wash Your Car in a Grassy Area instead of the Driveway: Detergents in wash water can flow down the driveway, along the street, and into the nearest storm drain. 
    4. Have Septic Systems Inspected Regularly: Leaking septic systems may contaminate the water, making it harmful to plants, animals, and people.  Septic tanks should be inspected every two to three years pumped as needed. 
    5. Never Pump or Dump Anything Down a Storm Drain: Storm drains help prevent flooding streets and highways by quickly and efficiently transferring rainwater into nearby water bodies.  Chemicals and other toxins dumped in storm drains find their way into lakes, rivers and streams, polluting the watershed. 
    6. Pick Up After Pets: In high “pet traffic” areas near water bodies, bacteria from pet waste can be carried into water bodies harming fish and other animals.
    7. Help Create a Litter-Free Lakeland: Dispose of litter in the trash can, not out the car window. Litter travels easily through storm drains during rain events and ends up in the lakes. 
  • Fertilizing 101 Booklet (Published by the Southwest Florida Water Management District)

Did You Know? 

 Phosphorus Nutrients

Excess nutrients in fertilizer, pet waste and yard waste (grass clippings, etc.) can cause algae blooms which reduce the amount of oxygen in the water. Fish and other aquatic life can't exist in the water without sufficient oxygen levels, and low oxygen levels often lead to fish kills and the inability for aquatic plants to grow.  


Toxins in pesticides may kill native plants and animals. 

Garbage Can

Garbage, such as plastic bags and bottles, and cigarette butts , are washed into the lakes and streams which can choke or suffocate aquatic life such as ducks, fish, turtles and birds.  

Growing plant

Dirt can cloud the water or cover the bottom of a lake or stream, and make it difficult for aquatic plants to grow and fish to breathe. 


Bacteria and other harmful pathogens in stormwater runoff can make it unhealthy to swim, boat or fish in a lake or stream.  

hazardous household item

Household hazardous wastes such as used motor oil, paint, and pesticides can poison aquatic life. Animals and people can become sick from eating diseased fish and shellfish.