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Accessibility for Our Citizens & Visitors

The City of Lakeland is committed to ensuring that services, programs, activities, and facilities open to the public, operated or funded by the City, are accessible to visitors and members of the community.

The City of Lakeland is working to ensure that residents and visitors with disabilities can access City facilities as well as participate in its programs, services, and events. In keeping with this ongoing effort, the City of Lakeland seeks input from individuals with disabilities or their family to help address and prioritize current and future accessibility needs. Input is also welcomed from local businesses, agencies, and organizations. Your comments and opinions are important to us and will help provide valuable information regarding how the City of Lakeland can better serve individuals with disabilities.


Disability Information & Access Line (DIAL)

The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) which was launched on June 8, 2021, connects callers to information about how to access related supports for people with disabilities. DIAL connects refers callers to local and national disability resources.

DIAL Info:


  • What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?

    “The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications.”

    Reasonable Accommodations and ADA Concerns:

    The City of Lakeland encourages the public to make the City aware of any City facility, program, service, or activity that appears inaccessible to those who have disabilities. The City will provide reasonable accommodation(s) to qualified persons with disabilities (free of charge) who wish to participate in City administered public events or, who require special assistance to access City facilities, programs, services or activities.  Because providing a reasonable accommodation may require outside assistance, organizations, or resources, the City asks that any request be made with as much notice as possible, preferably five (5) business days prior to the event, but no later than two (2) business days prior to the event.

    Questions, concerns, comments, or requests for reasonable accommodations should be brought to the City of Lakeland’s ADA Specialist. Complaints or grievances alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act should also be brought to the City’s ADA Specialist. 

    ADA concerns can be submitted by using our takeACTION button at the bottom of the webpage. The concern should contain the identity of the person involved and a description of the concern.  If the concern cannot be submitted via the City's website, please contact the City of Lakeland’s ADA Specialist directly for assistance. 

    An official ADA Grievance can also be filed by following the City’s procedure ADA Grievance Procedure and completing the City of Lakeland's ADA Grievance Form.  If the ADA Grievance cannot be submitted in writing, the grievant should contact the City of Lakeland’s ADA Specialist directly for assistance. The City’s ADA Specialist, or designee, will respond to a grievance within fifteen (15) business days and will take reasonable steps to resolve the matter. Within twenty (20) business days of the acknowledgment, the City ADA Specialist or designee will provide a response to the grievant. The response will clarify the position of the City of Lakeland and offer options. The grievant can request a written response, or an alternative format. 

    If the response of the City ADA Specialist, or designee, does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the grievant, or their designee, may appeal the decision within fifteen (15) business days after receiving the response, to the Assistant Director of Public Works, or designee.

    Within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the appeal, the Assistant Director of Public Works, or designee, will acknowledge receipt of the appeal from the grievant, or designee, and discuss the grievance and possible resolutions. Within fifteen (15) business days after the acknowledgement, the Assistant Director of Public Works, or designee, will provide a response, with a final resolution of the grievance. The grievant can request a written response, or an alternative format.

    Should the City of Lakeland be unable to satisfactorily resolve the grievance, the City’s ADA Specialist, or designee, will forward the grievance, along with a record of its disposition, to the appropriate District of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).  

    ADA Specialist:

    Kristin Meador, MA, ADAC
    228 S. Massachusetts Ave.
    Lakeland, FL 33801-5086
    Email: Kristin.Meador@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-8444
    Fax: (863) 834-8040

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers: Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD- Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    City of Lakeland Employees please contact:

    Mark Farrington, SPHR
    Human Resources and Civil Service Director
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue Lakeland, FL 33801-5086
    Email: Mark.Farrington@lakelandgov.net 
    Phone: (863) 834-6866
    Fax: (863) 834-6004

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers:  Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD-Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    Learn More at the ADA National Network

  • Effective Communication & Accommodation

    If an accommodation, auxiliary aid, or service is needed for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures is needed to participate in a program, service, or activity offered by the City of Lakeland, please contact the ADA Specialist:

    Kristin Meador, MA, ADAC
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue
    Lakeland, FL  33801-5086
    Email: Kristin.Meador@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-8444
    Fax: (863) 834-8040

  • The Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by Federal agencies, in programs receiving Federal financial assistance, in Federal employment, and in the employment practices of Federal contractors.

    Section 504

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states that "no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under" any program or activity that either receives federal financial assistance or is conducted by any executive agency.

    Link to a Fact Sheet titled "Your Rights Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act":  Microsoft Word - FS - Rights Under 504 - English - Revised 2006.doc


    Section 508

    Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794D), as amended in 1998, is a federal law that requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to electronic information and data comparable to those who do not have disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.  The Section 508 standards are the technical requirements and criteria that are used to measure conformance with this law.  For more information on Section 508 and the technical standards, please visit www.section508.gov.

    Policy Links:

    IT Accessibility Laws and Policies | Section508.gov


    All Florida State Government websites must comply with Section 508 to ensure the widest possible audience easy access to government information.  These standards are based on access guidelines developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).  Website content is provided in HTML format.  Portable Document Format (PDF) versions are available for most of our longer documents.

    One popular viewer for PDF files is Download Adobe Acrobat Reader: Free PDF viewer.  No endorsement is implied.


  • Get Involved

    The City of Lakeland encourages residents and visitors of our community to submit comments or specific recommendations for modifications to City facilities, programs, services, and activities. This can be done by clicking on the link below to be directed to the Citizens Action Center for the City of Lakeland and entering comments under the ADA/Accessibility category.

    Link: Citizens Action Center | City of Lakeland


  • Questions & Concerns: Lakelandgov.net

    If you experience any difficulty related to the accessibility of any content on this website or, have ideas or comments that would help us improve the accessibility and usability of this website, please contact our Digital Content Specialist through an email communication, Jamin Smith or call 863.834.6394

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD Line – Local: 863.834.8333 or 800.955.8771.

    If VOICE impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 800.955.8770.

    You may also write to us at: 

    City of Lakeland - City Hall
    Communications Department
    Attn: Jamin Smith, Digital Content Specialist
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue
    Lakeland, FL  33801-5086

    If applicable, please include the web address or URL and the specific problem you have encountered.

    The City of Lakeland is committed to making our website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. If you have questions about the website’s accessibility or need assistance using specific features, please contact us so that we may seek to provide assistance, including providing text versions of content available. Please know, however, that we do not maintain, and therefore cannot control or correct problems with third-party content, software/tools, widgets, add-ins, APIs, etc.  Should you encounter any difficulties with any third-party content, please let us know and/or direct your concerns to these third parties.


  • ADA and Civil Rights Act Nondiscrimination Practices & Forms

    ADA Grievance Procedure and Grievance Form & Nondiscrimination Fact Sheet and Title VI Complaint Form

    Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that state or local governments with 50 or more employees designate a person responsible for ensuring compliance with Title II of the ADA. In the City of Lakeland, that person is the ADA Specialist. The City is also required to designate a Title VI Coordinator to ensure nondiscrimination under the Civil Rights Act; that person is the Deputy City Manager.

    Questions, concerns, comments, or requests for reasonable accommodations should be brought to the City of Lakeland’s ADA Specialist. Complaints or grievances alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act should also be brought to the City’s ADA Specialist.

    ADA concerns can be submitted by using our takeACTION button at the bottom of the webpage. The concern should contain the identity of the person involved and a description of the concern.  If the concern cannot be submitted via the City's website, please contact the City of Lakeland’s ADA Specialist directly for assistance. 

    An official ADA Grievance can also be filed by following the City’s ADA Grievance Procedure and completing the City of Lakeland ADA Grievance Form.  If the ADA Grievance cannot be submitted in writing, the grievant should contact the City of Lakeland’s ADA Specialist directly for assistance. The City’s ADA Specialist or designee will respond to a grievance within fifteen (15) business days and will take reasonable steps to resolve the matter. Within twenty (20) business days of the acknowledgment, the City ADA Specialist or designee will provide a response to the grievant. The response will clarify the position of the City of Lakeland and offer resolution. The grievant can request a written response, or an alternative format.

    If the response of the City ADA Specialist or designee does not resolve the issue satisfactorily, the grievant or their designee may appeal the decision to the Assistant Director of Public Works or designee within fifteen (15) business days after receiving the response.

    Within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the appeal, the Assistant Director of Public Works or designee will acknowledge receipt of the appeal from the grievant or designee and discuss the grievance and possible resolutions. Within fifteen (15) business days after the grievant’ s or designee’s acknowledgment, the Assistant Director of Public Works or designee will provide a response with a final resolution of the grievance. The grievant can request a written response, or an alternative format.

    Should the City of Lakeland be unable to satisfactorily resolve the grievance, the City’s ADA Specialist or designee will forward the grievance, along with a record of its disposition, to the appropriate District of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).  

    ADA Specialist:
    Kristin Meador, MA, ADAC
    228 S. Massachusetts Ave.
    Lakeland, FL 33801-5086
    Email: Kristin.Meador@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-8444
    Fax: (863) 834-8040

    City of Lakeland Employees please contact:
    Mark Farrington, SPHR
    Human Resources and Civil Service Director
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue Lakeland, FL 33801-5086
    Email: Mark.Farrington@lakelandgov.net 
    Phone: (863) 834-6866
    Fax: (863) 834-6004

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers:  Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD-Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    The City of Lakeland posts a Fact Sheet for Non-Discrimination describing the areas covered and who is designated to process complaints or grievances. The City also provides a Title VI Complaint Form.  The City of Lakeland’s Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator is:

    Emily Colon, Deputy City Manager and Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator
    228 S. Massachusetts Ave.
    Lakeland, Florida 33801-5086
    Email: Emily.Colon@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-6006
    Fax: (863) 834-8402

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers: Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-800-955-8771 – (TDD-Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

  • Limited English Proficiency Plan

    Limited English Proficiency Plan Document (full text of the document available under Title VI/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan below)

  • Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan

    TITLE VI/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan

    For Sub-Recipients in the Local Agency Program (LAP)


    Policy Statement:

    The City of Lakeland, Florida, a municipal corporation, values diversity and welcomes input from all interested parties, regardless of cultural identity, background, or income level.  Moreover, the City of Lakeland believes that the best programs and services result from careful consideration of the needs of all of its communities and when those communities are involved in the transportation decision making process.  Thus, the City of Lakeland does not tolerate discrimination in of any of its programs, services or activities.  Pursuant to title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other federal and state authorities, the City of Lakeland will not exclude participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination anyone on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or family status.

    Complaint Procedures:

    The City of Lakeland has established a discrimination complaint procedure and will take prompt and reasonable action to investigate and eliminate discrimination when found.  Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination based upon race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or family or income status in any of the City of Lakeland’s programs, services, or activities may file a complaint with the City of Lakeland’s Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator:

    Emily Colon, Deputy City Manager and Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator
    228 S. Massachusetts Ave.
    Lakeland, Florida 33801-5086
    Email: Emily.Colon@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-6006; Fax: (863) 834-8402

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers: Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-800-955-8771– (TDD-Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    If possible, the complaint should be submitted in writing and contain the identity of the complainant; the basis for the allegations (i.e., race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or family status); and a description of the alleged discrimination with the date of occurrence.  If the complaint cannot be submitted in writing, the complainant should contact the City of Lakeland’s Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator for assistance. (Refer to “Exhibit 1” City of Lakeland Title VI/Nondiscrimination Plan – Complaint of Discrimination Form).

    The Title City’s VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator will respond to the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days and will take reasonable steps to resolve the matter.  Should the City of Lakeland be unable to satisfactorily resolve the complaint, the City’s Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator will forward the complaint, along with a record of its disposition to the appropriate District of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).

    The City’s Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator has “easy access” to the City Manager (or Chief Executive Officer) and is not required to obtain management or other approval to discuss discrimination issues with the City Manager.  However, should the complainant be unable or unwilling to complain to the City of Lakeland, the written complaint may be submitted directly to Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).  FDOT will serve as a clearing house, forwarding the complaint to the appropriate state or federal agency:

    Florida Department of Transportation
    Equal Opportunity Office
    ATTN:  Title VI Complaint Processing
    605 Suwannee Street MS 65
    Tallahassee, FL  32399

    ADA/504 Statement:

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and related federal and state laws and regulations forbid discrimination against those who have disabilities.  Furthermore, these laws require federal aid recipients and other government entities to take affirmative steps to reasonably accommodate the disabled and ensure that their needs are equitably represented in transportation programs, services and activities.

    The City of Lakeland will make every effort to ensure that its facilities, programs, services and activities are accessible to those with disabilities.  The City of Lakeland will make every effort to ensure that its advisory committees, public involvement activities, and all other programs, services and activities include representation by the disabled community and disability service groups.

    The City of Lakeland encourages the public to report any facility, program, service, or activity that appears inaccessible to those who are disabled.  Furthermore, the City will provide reasonable accommodation (free of charge) to disabled individuals who wish to participate in public involvement events or who require special assistance to access facilities, programs, services or activities.  Because providing reasonable accommodation may require outside assistance, organization, or resources, the City asks that requests be made at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the need for accommodation.

    Questions, concerns, comments, or requests for accommodation should be made to the following City of Lakeland’s ADA Coordinator or Employment Counsel (for City Employees):

    For the General Public:
    Kristin Meador, MA, ADAC
    ADA Specialist – Accessibility Services
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue
    Lakeland, FL  33801-5086
    Email:  Kristin.Meador@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-8444
    Fax: (863) 834-8040

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers:  Local – (863) 834-8333 or (800) 955-8771 (TDD- Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number (800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    For City of Lakeland Employees:
    Mark Farrington, SPHR
    Human Resources and Civil Service Director
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue Lakeland, FL 33801-5086
    Email: Mark.Farrington@lakelandgov.net 
    Phone: (863) 834-6866
    Fax: (863) 834-6004

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers:  Local – (863) 834-8333 or (800) 955-8771 (TDD- Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number (800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Guidance:

    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 13166, and various directives from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and US Department of Transportation (DOT) require federal aid recipients to take responsible steps to ensure meaningful access to programs, services and activities by those who do not speak English proficiently.  Please refer to the City of Lakeland’s Limited English Proficiency Plan located on the City of Lakeland website: Home | City of Lakeland.

    Attention City Staff: The following statement shall appear on all publicly noticed City of Lakeland meeting notices and advertisements (i.e. City Commission meeting notices, bid notices, boards and committee notices, etc.):

    In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, or those requiring language assistance (free of charge) should contact the City of Lakeland ADA Specialist, no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the proceeding, at (863) 834-8444, Email: ADASpecialist@lakelandgov.net.  If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers: Local – (863) 834-8333 or 1-800-955-8771 (TDD-Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    Public Involvement:

    In order to plan for efficient, effective, safe, equitable and reliable transportation systems, the City of Lakeland must have the input of its public.  The City spends extensive staff and financial resources in furtherance of this goal and strongly encourages the participation of the entire community.  The City holds a number of transportation meetings, workshops and other events designed to gather public input on project planning and construction.  Further, the City attends and participates in other community events to promote its services to the public. 

    Finally, the City is constantly seeking ways of measuring the effectiveness of its public involvement.  Persons wishing to request special presentations by the City of Lakeland, volunteer in any of its activities or offer suggestions for improvement of City public involvement may contact:

    Emily Colon, Deputy City Manager and Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator
    228 S. Massachusetts Ave.
    Lakeland, Florida 33801-5086
    Email: Emily.Colon@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-6006; Fax: (863) 834-8402

    If hearing impaired, please contact the TDD numbers:  Local – (863) 834-8333 or (800) 955-8771 (TDD- Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or the Florida Relay Service Number (800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.

    Data Collection:

    Federal Highway Administration regulations require federal-aid recipients to collect racial, ethnic, and other similar demographic data on beneficiaries of or those affected by transportation programs, services and activities.  The City of Lakeland accomplishes this through the use of census data, American Community Survey reports, Environmental Screening Tools (EST), drive and ridership surveys, its Community Development Department and other methods.  From time to time, the City may find it necessary to request voluntary identification of certain racial, ethnic or other data from those who participate in its public involvement events.  This information assists the City with improving its targeted outreach and measures of effectiveness.  Self-identification of personal data to the City will always be voluntary and anonymous.  Moreover, the City will not release or otherwise use this data in any manner inconsistent with the federal regulations.


    Every three (3) years, or commensurate with a change in City of Lakeland executive leadership, the City must certify to FHWA and FDOT that its programs, services and activities are being conducted in a nondiscriminatory manner.  These certifications are termed “assurances” and serve two important purposes.  First, they document the City’s commitment to nondiscrimination and equitable service to its community.  Second, they serve as a legally enforceable agreement by which the City of Lakeland may be held liable for breach.  The public may view the annual assurance on the City of Lakeland’s website or by visiting the City of Lakeland Public Works Department Director’s Office, 228 S. Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, Florida, 33801-5086.

    A signed copy of this policy and plan is available here.

  • Transition Plan

    The City of Lakeland is committed to making our programs and services as Accessible as possible to as many citizens and visitors as possible. In collaboration with Disability Access Consultants, a Self-Evaluation of City facilities, programs and services was conducted between March of 2018 and June of 2019. This was done to update the City’s ADA Transition Plan. In November of 2019 Disability Access Consultants completed the Executive Summary of the City of Lakeland Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan 2018-2019 Update.  For more information on the Self-Evaluation and Transition plan please contact, us.   The Annual Report for ADA/Accessibility activities in fiscal year 2023 can be found by clicking here.

    Disability Access Consultants evaluated:
    49 Facilities
    42 Parks and Recreation locations
    2,645 curb ramps
    70 intersections
    366 miles of sidewalk

    In addition to evaluating facilities, parks and public rights-of-way for potential physical barriers, other areas evaluated were:

    Website Accessibility
    Digital Communications
    Policies and Procedures
    New Construction Standards

    In order to facilitate the City’s ongoing work to improve Accessibility, the City has a designated ADA Specialist, Kristin Meador, whose contact information is available on public notices as well as on the city website. The City has also expanded our Citizens Action Center options to include an ADA/Accessibility category for submitting concerns and suggestions. In addition, notices are posted throughout facilities and on our website, informing people about how to contact the ADA Specialist to request accommodations.

    The City welcomes input from anyone interested in helping us achieve our goal of being an Accessible place to live, work and enjoy community life. Please contact the ADA Specialist with questions or suggestions.

    Kristin Meador, MA, ADAC
    ADA Specialist – Accessibility Services
    228 S. Massachusetts Avenue
    Lakeland, FL  33801-5086
    Email:  Kristin.Meador@lakelandgov.net
    Phone: (863) 834-8444
    Fax: (863) 834-8040

  • Resources

    Information and Technical Assistance from ADA.gov

    The Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology, Inc. (FAAST) provides assistive technology device demonstrations, training, and short-term device loans for all types of assistive technology at no cost to Floridians who have disabilities, their family members, authorized representatives, and representatives of education, employment, community living, and health. Assistive technology is any device, gadget, hardware, or software used by a person with a disability to do things for themselves. FAAST also has a financial loan program that works with qualified individuals who have a disability to assist them with purchasing assistive technology devices and services

    Florida Statutes for Accessible Parking

  • Disabilities and When Disaster Strikes

    When Disaster Strikes

    By Maggie Sims

    Rocky Mountain ADA Center

    March 3, 2025

    Being ready for the unexpected is important for everyone but especially for those with disabilities or who have access and functional needs. 2025 has barely begun and we have already experienced a range of calamities all around us. Are you prepared in case disaster strikes? 

    While the ADA requires agencies to prepare for all types of disability needs, everyone should ensure they are also prepared. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead agency in our nation to respond to emergency and crisis situations. FEMA coordinates with other agencies to fulfill its mission of "helping people before, during and after disasters." Having a plan in place BEFORE it's needed can be crucial. Here are some recommendations from FEMA to help yourself be better prepared for an emergency: 

    1. Have a support network that can be available to assist you if needed.

    2. Plan for accessible transportation for evacuation or for medical help.

    3. Prepare for how to use medical equipment in the case of a power outage.

    4. Wear medical alert tags or bracelets.

    5. Keep model information on any assistive devices or equipment you use, as well as where the equipment may have come from (Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, etc.).

    6. Keep a list of all medications.

    7. Build a Kit with basic survival supplies and any individual needs you may have. For example:

    Deaf or Hard of Hearing

    • Extra hearing-aid batteries.

    • Pen and paper.

    • Weather radio with text display and a flashing alert.

    • Smartphone apps, including the FEMA App.

    • Keep a note of your communication preferences.

    • Photos of valuable items such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc. in case they are lost for insurance purposes.

    Blind or Low Vision

    • Keep a list of emergency supplies on a portable flash drive or an audio file and keep in a safe place.

    • Keep a Braille or deaf-blind communications device handy if appropriate.     

    Mobility Disability

    • Have a lightweight manual chair as a backup if you normally use a power chair.

    • Have extra mobility devices (such as a cane or a walker) available if you use one.

    • If you must evacuate without your wheelchair, take your protective seat cushion with you. 


    The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends (Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities | Emergency Preparedness and Disability Inclusion | CDC): 

    • Pack enough supplies for at least 1-2 weeks.

    • Include insulin and syringes, glucose meter, extra batteries for meter and/or insulin pump, alcohol wipes, an empty container for syringes, needles and lancets.

    • Glucose tablets or quick carbs for low blood sugar. 

    These are only a few suggestions. For more ideas on how to prepare, check out these resources:

    Plan Ahead for Disasters | Ready.gov

    Emergency Planning | ADA.gov

    Emergency Planning | ADA.gov

    Author:  Maggie Sims - 03/03/2025