Police Citizen Advisory Board Seeking to Fill Three Seats

LAKELAND, FL (July 13, 2022) - The Lakeland Police Department is seeking engaged Lakeland residents to fill three open positions on the Department's Citizen Advisory Board. The openings are due to the retirement of board members who recently completed their two-year terms. Newly appointed members will join the six current board members to discuss new agency programs, past police/citizen interactions and provide insight on community needs to agency and City administrators.
Selected applicants will serve a term of two years and must:
- Be in good standing in the community
- Be a past graduate or attend the Lakeland Police Department's Citizens' Academy within one year
- Be able to meet as needed on a regular monthly basis
- Consent to a criminal background inquiry
New board members will be appointed by City Commission representatives for the Southwest, Southeast and At Large positions.
The deadline for applications is Friday, August 5, 2022. To apply online today, visit LakelandPD.com.