Interview Letter for 2024-RFP-318 Dixieland District Redevelopment Plan Update
This site serves as a secondary notice of City of Lakeland Public Hearings.
Interview Letter for 2024-RFP-318 Dixieland District Redevelopment Plan Update
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Lakeland, Florida, will consider passage of the following titled ordinance(s) at a City Commission meeting which commences at 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, in the City Commission Chamber at City Hall, Lakeland, Florida: Proposed 25-001 and Proposed 25-002.
2024-RFP-318 Lakeland CRA - Dixieland District Redevelopment Plan Update
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Lakeland, Florida, will consider passage of the following titled ordinance(s) at a City Commission meeting which commences at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, January 6, 2025, in the City Commission Chamber at City Hall, Lakeland, Florida.
Legal Notice: 2024-RFQ-279 Professional Municipal Engineering Services (CCNA) Tenoroc Trail Segment 1 from Lake Crago Dr to SR 33
Interview letter posted for 2024-RFP-287 - Lakeland CRA - Midtown District Redevelopment Plan Update
Notice is hereby given that assessment(s) have been entered against the following lot(s) and parcel(s) of land in the City of Lakeland.
The City Commission of the City of Lakeland proposes to change, by amending the Lakeland Comprehensive Plan: Our Community 2030, the uses of land within the incorporated area of the City of Lakeland as shown on the accompanying map and described below. The proposed future land use change is incorporated in Proposed Ordinance 24-045 the title of which reads generally as follows: ...
Legal Notice: Notice of Annexation