June 15th City Commission Meeting Agenda at a Glance

LAKELAND, FL (June 11, 2020) | This Agenda at a Glance includes highlights for the upcoming June 15th City Commission Meeting Agenda. The agenda and backup materials are available to view and download at LakelandGov.net/Agendas. The Lakeland City Commission will discuss agenda items in detail at the Agenda Study session on Friday, June 12th starting at 8:30 a.m. The public can watch Agenda Study Sessions, City Commission Meetings as well as Committee Meetings live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on LakelandGov.net/TV. For a full live meeting broadcast schedule. visit LakelandGov.net/TV.
Public Hearings – Ordinances for 2nd Reading
This is when the public is invited to share opinions and concerns about agenda items. Second Reading of an ordinance includes a chance for public testimony and requires a vote. There are two items on the agenda for second reading.
Item One is a proposed approval of a conditional use to allow a preschool with a maximum enrollment of 104 students on property located at 220 Carleton Street. The Planning and Zoning Board approved the application on May 19, 2020 and recommended to the City Commission that the conditional use be granted.
Item Two is a proposal to change zoning from multi-family to planned unit development to allow 24 multi-family dwelling units on 1.3 acres at 108 Lake Hunter Drive. The proposed zoning is typically associated with an apartment complex and includes a community area. Stipulations include a maximum of 24 units, minimum square footage and a maximum building height of three stories.
There is one Miscellaneous item under Public Hearings. There is a Development Agreement with LCP Owner, LLD related to transportation concurrency of the Lakeland Central Park mixed-use development. The 724-acre proposed development is located north and east of the Polk Parkway, west of Airport Road and south of Old Tampa Highway. Pursuant to the development agreement, the developer is required to construct a three-lane spine road and adjacent multi-use trail through the development between Old Tampa Highway and Airport Road. Phase I of the spine road will connect only to Old Tampa Highway. In addition to construction of the spine road and intersection improvements, a key agreement provision requires the developer to contribute $1M towards intersection improvements at the US 92/County Line Road and US 92/Wabash Avenue intersections on or before October 9, 2020, in order to address funding shortfalls for these projects. These intersection improvements are above and beyond what is required to offset the impacts of the Lakeland Central Park development and will therefore be eligible for impact fee credits in the amount of the contribution.
City Manager
There are two agenda items under the City Manager’s portion of the agenda.
Item One – Recommendation to approve a Successor Collective Bargaining Agreements with the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 4173. The parties have agreed to a three-year agreement commencing October 1, 2019, expiring on September 30, 2022. The agreement will provide for specific economic implementations in Fiscal Year 2020, 2021, and 2022. The IAFF represents all full-time regular, certified employees of the City of Lakeland working only for the Lakeland Fire Department in the job classifications of Firefighter/EMT, Firefighter/Paramedic, Driver Engineer/EMT, Driver Engineer/Paramedic, and Lieutenant. The Agreements apply respectively to Firefighters/Driver Engineers and Lieutenants and the most recent agreements expired in September 2019.
Item Two – Is a Change Order to Construction Contract with Cobb Site Development Inc. for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Taxiway H at Lakeland Linder International Airport. All construction work has been completed and all contract line items quantities have been reconciled based on the work completed. Change Order #2, in the amount of $55,001.57 incorporates all quantity reconcilements and closes out the project. The additional costs are primarily due to increased work related to electrical components and additional concrete removal by the entrances to the T-Hangars.
City Attorney – Ordinances
This portion of the agenda includes items for first reading. This is the initial introduction of an ordinance to the City Commission. Ordinances must be read once during a City Commission meeting before the meeting that they will be voted on. During the first reading of an ordinance, there is no testimony and no votes are taken. There are no items under this portion of the agenda for the June 1st City Commission meeting.
Resolutions do not require a first and second reading. Resolutions are typically voted on when they are brought before the City Commission. There are no resolutions under the City Attorney portion of the agenda.
There is one Miscellaneous Report on the City Attorney portion of the agenda that includes a Proportionate Share Agreement with Atlantic Property Company, LLC for transportation concurrency related to Riverstone Development. In December 2017, the City Commission approved a development agreement with Atlantic Property Company, LLC, the developer of the Riverstone residential development located south of W. Pipkin Road, west of Yates Road and north of Ewell Road. The development agreement established certain transportation concurrency conditions to offset the transportation impacts of the development, including a requirement that the developer provide proportionate share payments for improvements at the Drane Field Road/Waring Road intersection and for the Waring Road four-lane improvement (Old Medulla Road to Drane Field Road). Pursuant to additional provisions of the development agreement, the developer has already placed $1,402,475.00 in escrow. The City recognizes the developer’s payment into escrow of its proportionate share payment obligation and grants transportation concurrency vesting for Riverstone in an amount up to 10,622 daily and 1,006 PM peak hour trips.
Finance Director
Water Utilities has been granted approval from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for a loan in the amount of $19,167,295 to construct a new Clearwell at the Williams Water Treatment Plant. Contracts to Tetra Tech in the amount of $338,051 (total including the original contract - $1,325,529) and to Wharton Smith in the amount of $17,301,164 for construction were approved at the April 20, 2020 Commission meeting. Design was completed April 15, 2020. The loan was authorized by the State and construction was approved to begin May 13, 2020. In anticipation of the State’s funding approval of the Clearwell, Water Utilities budgeted $13M (the original loan application amount) in 2018 for the design and construction of Clearwell. However, the State only approved $1,050,000 for the design portion with the understanding that the remainder would be requested upon completion of the design. Although the interest rate is unknown, the City anticipates the construction interest rate will be 1.96%, which is the current rate on the design portion, over a term of 20 years. It is therefore requested that the City Commission authorize, in anticipation of the executed agreement, an appropriation of $6,626,693 and a corresponding increase in estimated revenues of $6,626,693 in the Water FDEP fund.
During the June 12th Agenda Study session, the City Commission will discuss each agenda item in detail for the upcoming June 15th City Commission Meeting. The public is invited to view the meeting live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on lakelandgov.net. There is no audience participation during the agenda study session. There is a Municipal Boards & Committees meeting scheduled to start at 8:15 a.m. on Friday, June 12th just before the Agenda Study session and there is a Policy Workshop immediately after the Agenda Study session on the process of hiring a City Manager due to the announced retirement of current City Manager, Tony Delgado.
About Lakeland
The City of Lakeland was incorporated in January 1885 and has grown to become one of the largest inland communities in Florida. With a current population over 100,000, Lakeland continues to grow. It has been designated a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area by the US Census Bureau for over 30 years. With tourist attractions and gulf beaches only an hour away, Lakeland continues to capitalize on its ideal central Florida location along the I-4 corridor. The City owns and operates Lakeland Electric, the third-largest publicly owned utility in Florida and it was one of the first to offer power in the Sunshine State over 110 years ago.
For additional information about the City of Lakeland, please explore lakelandgov.net.
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