Public Notice: Lake Hollingsworth Trail Will Be Resurfaced

WHO: City of Lakeland Contractors
WHAT: Multi-use path resurfacing project
WHERE: Lake Hollingsworth Trail
WHY: Surface is on 10-year preventative maintenance program
WHEN: Project will start April 15th
LAKELAND, FL (April 10, 2020) - Contractors working for the City of Lakeland will begin milling and resurfacing portions of the Lake Hollingsworth multi-use path beginning April 15th, 2020. The path is currently closed due to the social distancing impacts of the coronavirus. Those traveling around Lake Hollingsworth Drive should expect minor delays during this work. This work is expected to take four days to complete weather permitting.
Troy McCain, Pavement Management Coordinator for the City of Lakeland said, “The trail was last resurfaced in 2010 and it was originally scheduled for preventative maintenance with a topcoat. The multi-use path has been overlaid several times so crews will mill the asphalt down about two inches and get it to the original level.” He added, “Due to the Governor’s Executive Order this is a great time to start this project because it will least impact those that frequently use the trail. There are some areas around the path that are being impacted by tree roots so we will address those issues as well.”