April 6th City Commission Meeting Agenda-at-a-Glance

LAKELAND, FL (April 2, 2020) | The Agenda at a Glance includes highlights for the upcoming April 6th City Commission Meeting Agenda. The agenda and backup materials are available to view and download at LakelandGov.net/Agendas. The Lakeland City Commission will discuss agenda items in detail at the Agenda Study session on Friday, April 3rd starting at 8:30 a.m. The public can watch Agenda Study Sessions, City Commission Meetings as well as Committee Meetings live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on lakelandgov.net. For a full live meeting broadcast schedule, visit www.lakelandgov.net/tv.
Public Hearings – Ordinances for 2nd Reading
This is when the public is invited to share opinions and concerns about agenda items. Second Reading of an ordinance includes a chance for public testimony and requires a vote. There are no ordinances for second reading on the April 6th City Commission Agenda.
Resolutions do not require a first and second reading. Resolutions are typically voted on when they are brought before the City Commission. There is one resolution on the agenda that adopts the State Housing Initiatives Partnership local housing assistance plan. A portion of the collected documentation stamp taxes on deeds goes to local governments to assist in the development and maintenance of affordable housing. The State requires local governments establish the strategy of how the funds will be used.
City Manager
There are four agenda items under the City Manager’s portion of the agenda.
Item One is a lease Agreement with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at Lakeland Linder International Airport. Lakeland Linder International Airport is in the process of finalizing a new agreement with the United States government acting by and through the designated representative of NOAA, for hangar and office space in the Airside Center facility located at 3450 Flightline Drive. The City Commission previously approved a Lease Agreement with NOAA on November 30, 2016, and a subsequent amendment to that Agreement in 2017. The proposed Lease is for a term of 20 years, with a firm 15-year initial term, that will commence upon substantial completion of the expansion project at the time of certificate of occupancy issuance for the new space. The date for completion of the expansion project is February 1, 2021. The current Lease Agreement for NOAA’s existing space will continue to be in effect until the expanded space is ready. The remaining unamortized tenant improvements from the existing agreement, estimated at $1.6 million dollars, will be added to the new Lease Agreement and amortized over 15 years. The useable space covered in the new agreement is for 156,043 square feet with, rentable space of 176,418 square feet, thereby increasing the rentable footprint by 69,554 square feet.
Item Two is a recommendation to name Register Construction as the construction manager for the expansion of the NOAA project at Lakeland Linder International Airport to provide additional hangar and office space. The new facility will accommodate the expansion of operations to add up to an additional 50 -75 staff and two aircraft (G550 and King Air). The overall project will cost approximately $12.3 mm, including design and construction costs with NOAA responsible for $7.8mm for the Tenant Improvement costs, while LLIA would be responsible for approximately $4.5mm for the shell and infrastructure improvements required to ready the facility.
Item Three is a recommendation to award RK&K, LLC for construction and engineering services for the North Wabash Avenue Extension Project. The City’s Purchasing Division began advertising a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a Professional Services agreement for Roadway Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the North Wabash Avenue project on December 20, 2019. RFQ submittals were received on January 17, 2020. The Selection Committee, made up of staff from Public Works, met on February 4, 2020 and ranked the five (5) firms who submitted qualifications as follows:
- Rummel Klepper & Kahl, LLP dba RK&K (Lakeland, FL)
- DRMPInc. (Lakeland, FL)
- Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions Inc. (Lakeland, FL)
- AEEngineeringInc. (Jacksonville, FL)
- KCI Technologies, Inc. (Tampa, FL)
City staff has negotiated a not-to-exceed fee of $549,153.80 with RK&K for this work. The estimated construction duration is 365 days.
Item Four is a recommendation to accept the Mid-Year Table of Organization Modifications and Appropriations. Throughout the Fiscal Year requests arise from Departments to make modifications to their Table of Organization. These modifications may involve adding, deleting, pay adjustments or reclassifying positions to meet Departmental operational needs and to improve service delivery to meet the City’s Strategic Goals.
City Attorney – Ordinances 1st Reading
This portion of the agenda includes items for first reading. This is the initial introduction of an ordinance to the City Commission. Ordinances must be read once during a City Commission meeting before the meeting at which the ordinances will be voted on. During the first reading of an ordinance there is no testimony and no votes are taken. There is one item for first reading.
Item One is an ordinance relating to zoning and change to zoning classification from low impact office to pedestrian commercial on 1.78 acres located at 2111 Lakeland Hills Boulevard. The Planning and Zoning Board approved the zoning change on March 17, 2020 and recommended the change to the City Commission.
Resolutions do not require a first and second reading. Resolutions are typically voted on when they are brought before the City Commission. There are two resolutions on the April 6th City Commission Agenda.
Item One is lot clearing and cleaning. The list of property owners failed to respond to cleaning up their property and the City has contracted for the cleaning and clearing of said properties. The cost and expense of such cleaning and clearing and the cost of making such assessment shall be paid from the assessment on each property so cleaned and cleared, and such assessment is hereby declared a lien against the property, superior in dignity to all other liens except liens for taxes.
Item Two is an agreement to accept surplus land for public use from the Florida Department of Transportation at the southeast corner of Sloan Avenue and George Jenkins Boulevard.
Miscellaneous Reports
There are six Miscellaneous Reports on the agenda.
Item One is an approval of a piggy-back agreement in the amount of $688,579.10, to Insituform Technologies, LLC. This agreement is to provide sewer rehabilitation by Cured in Place Pipe technology. Note that this amount may vary if, during the year, it is determined that sewers are urgently in need of rehabilitation. This technology adds approximately 50 years to the useful life of a sewer. Insituform Technologies, LLC maintains an existing agreement to provide the City of Daytona Beach, Florida the same Cured in Place technology for the rehabilitation of sanitary and storm sewer systems under Daytona Beach’s sewer repair program.
Item Two is a Task Authorization, in the amount of $157,250, to Chastain Skillman, Inc., to provide a continuation of the study authorized on August 6, 2018 to determine the causes and the reduction of conductivity in the wastewater system. Under the Task Authorization, the Consultant will clarify inconsistencies that have been observed to more fully define the interactions within the overall System. Combinations of fieldwork and bench testing will be provided. The output from this Phase IB will provide the basis to proceed with identification of viable treatment or intervention options to reduce wastewater Conductivity.
Item Three is a Contract and Agreement with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. of Maitland Florida to provide services as identified in the Contract and Agreement and Attached Exhibits, including an annual Revenue Sufficiency Analysis and an updated Impact Fee Study. The costs of the Contract and Agreement are as follows:
- Annual Revenue Sufficiency Analysis for $32,000,
- Impact Fee Study for $21,000,
- Rate Development for PRWC Alternative Water Cost for $10,000,
- Performance of a Rate Affordability Review for $12,000.
Item Four is a Task Authorization with Florida Acquisition & Appraisal, Inc. for Lake Parker Tributary Swamp Project. The proposed hydrologic restoration of the Lake Parker Tributary Swamp, located west of Lake Parker between US Highway 98 N and Providence Road, will be undertaken to rehabilitate the natural hydrology of this highly altered and degraded wetland system. The benefits of this restoration project will include increased stormwater management capacity as well as improved surface water quality in Lake Parker.
Item Five is a Sixth Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Lakeland and Lake Wire Development Company, LLC for the sale to Lake Wire Development Company of an approximately 2.3-acre triangular-shaped City-owned property located immediately south of the intersection of Kathleen Road and George Jenkins Boulevard. The Agreement also provides for the sale to Lake Wire Development of the right-of-way for Old Kathleen Road, which runs east to west immediately south of the City’s property and will connect the City’s parcel with the old Florida Tile site to the south, previously purchased by Lake Wire Development. This portion of Old Kathleen Road is still under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), creating the delay.
Item Six is Extension of Declaration of Local State of Emergency for seven days. This is in place due to issues that may face the City because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Under the Utility portion of the agenda there is resolution to establish a fuel charge effective May 1, 2020 and three miscellaneous reports.
During the Agenda Study session, the City Commission will discuss each agenda item in detail for the upcoming April 6th City Commission Meeting. This Agenda Study session will be done remotely due to the coronavirus. The public is invited to view the meeting live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on LakelandGov.net/TV.
About Lakeland
The City of Lakeland was incorporated in January 1885 and has grown to become one of the largest inland communities in Florida. With a current population of over 100,000, Lakeland continues to grow. It has been designated a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area by the US Census Bureau for over 30 years. With tourist attractions and gulf beaches only an hour away, Lakeland continues to capitalize on its ideal central Florida location along the I-4 corridor. The City owns and operates Lakeland Electric, the third-largest publicly owned utility in Florida and it was one of the first to offer power in the Sunshine State over 110 years ago.
For additional information about the City of Lakeland, please explore lakelandgov.net.
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