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Water Conservation

Water conservation is necessary for Lakeland to meet its future water needs. Water conservation may only come to mind during a drought, but using water efficiently year round, even during wet times, means there will be more water available during droughts.

Water Conservation Benefits:

  • More can share a limited water supply
  • Far less expensive than treating lake or sea water (keeps water rates down)
  • Saves money for anyone who puts it into practice.

What about the lake water?

We have abundant water in the lakes here in Lakeland, but our lake water supports important ecological resources and natural beauty that we don’t want to impact or lose. The amount of lake water available is unreliable since it depends on the climate. 

Lake water is also much more expensive to treat than groundwater, and is vulnerable to pollution and evaporation.

Water Shortages

Lakeland gets its water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer, which is a body of very clean water deep underground. This groundwater is replaced by the rain at a very slow rate. Projections show that at the current rate of use, the aquifer will not meet our water needs through 2035, so it is very important that we do as much as possible to cut back on the water that we use. Because of this water shortage, the Southwest Florida Water Management District created the year-round lawn watering restrictions of only two days per week (see Ways You Can Help Our Water Supply for details). These restrictions are designed to help make our water supply last.

Over-pumping the aquifer can lead to:

  • Declining water availability for general health and fire protection
  • Salt water contaminating the fresh water aquifer
  • Sink holes

Ways You Can Help Conserve Our Water Supply

  • Please observe the mandatory watering schedule:
    • Even Addresses: Thursday and Sunday only - Remember before 10am or after 4pm (But not both)
    • Odd Addresses: Wednesdays and Saturdays only - Remember before 10am or after 4pm (But not both)
  • Water in the morning or evening to minimize evaporation and disease.
  • Disease and yellowing occur when applying too much water to grass.
  • Check irrigation times and rain sensors every 6 months.
  • Replace grass with drought resistant ground cover, shrubs and trees. These plants require little to no watering or maintenance.
  • Replace toilets installed before 1995. New toilet models use significantly less water. 
  • Hand water grass and plants only when needed instead of using an irrigation system.
  • Replace grass and other water hogging plants with beautiful Florida-Friendly landscaping. Here is a link to the Florida-Friendly Landscaping resources.