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Outdoor Savings

Check out our Sprinkler System Check-up Program!
- Have our licensed irrigation contractor come out and evaluate your landscape and irrigation system, for free! Qualified customers must be using an average of 12,000 gallons per month or more, have an inground automatic irrigation system in place, and the location must have 12 months worth of water usage data available. For more information go to our Rebates and Incentives page.

Install a Rain Barrel
-Collect rain water in a rain barrel or cistern to water plants. For more information on rain barrels, click here.

Install a Smart Irrigation Controller
-"Smart controllers" reduce outdoor water use by monitoring and using information about local site conditions; such as rain, soil moisture, soil, etc. Using this information, the controller can communicate with the irrigation system to water only when needed and apply the right amount of water. Check out WaterSense labeled controllers here for more information.

Use a Compost Bin
-Recycle and reuse your indoor and outdoor waste. Reduce the amount of trash you are taking to the landfill. Composting is easy and beneficial. For more information on composting, click here

Plant a Vegetable Garden
-Grow your own vegetables and water them with micro-irrigation and fertilize with your compost.

Direct Rainwater Into a Rain Garden
-Direct rainwater from your roof into a low landscaped area in your yard. A rain garden reduces the runoff that leaves your yard.

Install & Maintain a Florida-Friendly Yard
-Florida-Friendly LandscapesTM are cost-saving, efficient, environmentally friendly, and beautiful. For more information, click here.

Leave Grass Clippings on the Lawn
-Grass clippings don’t need to be collected, reduce waste and let the clippings break down to benefit your lawn.

Pick Up After Your Pets
-Prevent bacteria from entering our waterways by picking up after your pets.

Maintain a Healthy Waterfront
-Plant around your lake or pond, keep fertilizers away from the water, and maintain native plants for a healthy waterfront.

Direct Downspouts
-Allow runoff to soak into the ground by directing downspouts onto porous surfaces.


Call City of Lakeland Water Utilities at (863) 834-6193 or the UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ at (863) 519-1047.


Free Resources