Ribbon, Bows & Gift Bags
While ribbons, bows and shiny gift bags look stunning under your tree, they should NEVER go into your blue recycling cart!
Save them for reuse next year or throw them away in your green cart.
This holiday season, you may want to recycle EVERYTHING! However, not all holiday items are recyclable.
While ribbons, bows and shiny gift bags look stunning under your tree, they should NEVER go into your blue recycling cart!
Save them for reuse next year or throw them away in your green cart.
Did you know that holiday string lights are NOT recyclable?
If your old Christmas lights are beyond repair, be sure to put them in your green cart.
Getting new electronics this holiday? Dispose of your used electronics and batteries at designated drop-off locations such as Best Buy.
Find drop off locations and learn more about electronic recycling on our Acceptable Materials page.
Artificial Trees: Artificial Trees trees cannot be recycled and should be dis-assembled and placed in your regular green garbage cart for collection.
Real Trees: Undecorated real Christmas trees can be placed at the curb as yard waste and will be collected on your regular yard waste collection day.
***No artificial or real trees should be put in your blue cart.***
Styrofoam, air pillows and bubble envelopes are NOT recyclable in your blue cart!
Flattened cardboard, non-shiny gift wrap and paper board gift boxes are WELCOME in your blue cart!