There are two types of Parking Citations:
- Unlawful Parking ......................... $25.00 Fine
- Accessible Parking Violation ..... $250.00 Fine
Unlawful citations must be answered within 21 days from the date of issue. This includes appeals, payment, or inquiry. All citations must be contested in the Clerk of Courts within 60 days from the date of issue to be accepted for hearing.
Unlawful citations are subject to a $20.00 late fee after 21 days if not paid and an additional $10.00 after 30 days. Citations remaining unpaid after 60 days from the date of issue will have a DMV hold placed on the vehicle TAG associated with the citation. The DMV hold will be system generated and remain in place until all citations associated with the vehicle TAG are paid in full to include any applicable late fees. Account balance must be zero.
All Parking citations, to include Disabled Parking violations, remaining unpaid after 24 months from the date of issue will be handed off to the current Collections Agency.