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Parking FAQs

  • Where can I park for free all day?

    The Park and Ride spaces on Rose Street, the Lake Mirror Center Parking lot and the Peggy Brown Building parking lot (depicted in purple) continue to have free unlimited parking at any time. All City-owned on-street and off-street parking has free unlimited parking evenings and weekends, Monday thru Friday from 5 PM to 9 AM, and all day during the weekends.  Check our Parking app!


  • The signs say 2 hours free parking. Can I stay longer than two hours?

    Yes you can! In the lots and garages you can purchase parking session at $1/ hour during metered times. On-street parking (Zone 2705) time can be extended beyond the initial two hours via ParkMobile for up to two additional hours. Each additional hour costs $1.

    Zone 2725 on-street peripheral locations are located on Massachusetts Avenue, Main Street and Orange Street.  For this zone, the first two hours of operation will be free of charge, followed by the ability to purchase additional time at the rate of $0.25 per hour plus applicable ParkMobile fees.  This zone does not have time limitations.

  • Is there a fee for using Parkmobile?
  • Is it true that I can only be in Downtown Lakeland for 2 hours?

    Not at all! You can use your two free hours, extend your space time remotely using ParkMobile or relocate to one of the metered or peripheral locations.  

  • Do merchants validate parking?

    Merchants can purchase Parkmobile promo codes in any increment they choose and reward their valued customers.  Customers must have a ParkMobile account to redeem the code for parking credits.

  • Can I move my car once I've engaged Parkmobile?

    Yes, if you move to another space in the same zone, your session can continue. 

    If you change zones, you'll have to pay again and start a new parking session.

  • Why is free parking only offered for 2 hours once per day?

    To ensure that every customer has the opportunity for the most convenient parking, we must limit the amount of free time given in those spaces.  Downtown is blessed with a large population of professional offices and we want to encourage those full time employees to park remotely and leave the most convenient spaces for our customers who come and go throughout the day. 

    Use our Parking app!

  • For on-street parking, must I use the free 2 hours of parking before purchasing additional time?

    Yes.  You must use your free time first. Set a reminder on your phone or watch to alert you when your time is almost up so you can engage ParkMobile and extend your stay or move to a metered lot or garage.

  • What happens if I come for a quick coffee in the morning for 15 minutes, leave, then come back at lunch or in the afternoon?

    Parking staff records tag numbers and the times on each route and your car is recorded as "in that location" (in the downtown FREE two hour zone) until the next time staff checks on their route.  Once you leave the space, even if you didn't park a full 2-hours, you will have to pay upon your return. 

    Staff always tries to err on the side of the customer, but it would be wise to engage your ParkMobile account if you plan to return for a second visit in the same day.

  • If I purchase parking with the pay-by-space machine or a meter, can I use Parkmobile to extend the time?

    Yes! Just be sure to remember the Zone number for the lot or garage (and the phone number if you do not have the app, (877.727.5714). You can engage your ParkMobile account remotely and extend your parking session.

  • Can I move to another space and get 2 more hours free?

    No, FREE parking is one session from the time first parked.  It does not pause or restart if you change zone or space.

  • Is there a faster way to pay a pay-by-space machine?

    Yes, you can use the ParkMobile app or call 877.727.5714.  You must register with ParkMobile first.

  • What if I have trouble with the machine or the app?

    Call us at 863.834.6303. We're happy to help you!

  • Can I use my Parkmobile account if I am not in my own car?

    Yes. ParkMobile allows you to add up to five tag numbers to your account.  If you are with a friend who does not have ParkMobile, you can still purchase parking using your account.  Just enter his/her tag number for that session.

  • I don't have a smartphone, can I still use Parkmobile?

    Yes, but you must be registered first. You can engage your ParkMobile account via the app or by calling 877.727.5714.

  • Where can I get a parking permit?

    You may obtain a parking permit at the Main Street Garage Parking Services Office (314 E Main Street, Lakeland, FL 33801).

    Call 863.834.6303 for more info.

  • Can I receive more than one ticket per day?

    Yes, you could receive a parking fine every four hours during the day should your vehicle remain in the same spot. The maximum number of fines you could receive is three (3) per day.

  • What is the law for commercial parking spaces?

    Per Florida State Statutes, the vehicle must be over 10,000 pounds.

  • How much is a parking ticket?

    There are two types of Parking Citations:

    • Unlawful Parking ......................... $25.00 Fine 
    • Accessible Parking Violation ..... $250.00 Fine 

    Unlawful citations must be answered within 21 days from the date of issue. This includes appeals, payment, or inquiry. All citations must be contested in the Clerk of Courts within 60 days from the date of issue to be accepted for hearing.

    Unlawful citations are subject to a $20.00 late fee after 21 days if not paid and an additional $10.00 after 30 days.  Citations remaining unpaid after 60 days from the date of issue will have a DMV hold placed on the vehicle TAG associated with the citation.  The DMV hold will be system generated and remain in place until all citations associated with the vehicle TAG are paid in full to include any applicable late fees. Account balance must be zero.

    All Parking citations, to include Disabled Parking violations, remaining unpaid after 24 months from the date of issue will be handed off to the current Collections Agency.

  • I cannot find an open Accessible space.

    Vehicles with an accessible license plate, placard or with disabled veteran plates may park in any regular on-street space for free all day. In spaces designated for short term parking, double the time on the sign is allotted for free.

      • 15 minutes free = 30 minutes free for accessible plate, placard or disabled veteran plates;
      • 30 minutes free = 60 minutes free for accessible plate, placard or disabled veteran plates; and
      • 2 hours free = Free all day accessible plate, placard disabled veteran plates.

    Additionally, off-street (Munn Park, North Kentucky Ave. Lot and Main St. Garage and Heritage Garage pay by tag spaces) may park for free unlimited in any space.

    Any accessible parking space on-street or off-street that is publicly available (no special key, gate, or permit involved) is available for free unlimited parking.

  • What are the hours for parking enforcement?

    All timed parking enforcement is Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  All unlawful enforcement is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • How do I appeal my parking citation?

    You may appeal a parking citation issued by the City of Lakeland enforcement group.  You will need to visit our City of Lakeland Payment Portal and setup an account first.   Once you have completed this process, you may submit an appeal with your documentation.  Your appeal must be submitted within 21 days of citation issue date.  Our Parking Supervisor will respond within seven (7) business days.

  • Parking with a Combat Wounded Veteran License Plate

    Vehicles with an accessible license plate, placard or with disabled veteran plates may park in any regular on-street space for free all day. In spaces designated for short term parking, double the time on the sign is allotted for free.

      • 15 minutes free = 30 minutes free for accessible plate, placard or disabled veteran plates;
      • 30 minutes free = 60 minutes free for accessible plate, placard or disabled veteran plates; and
      • 2 hours free = Free all day accessible plate, placard disabled veteran plates.

    Additionally, off-street (Munn Park, Lot D and Main St. Garage and Heritage Garage pay by tag spaces) may park for free unlimited in any space.

    Any accessible parking space on-street or off-street that is publicly available (no special key, gate, or permit involved) is available for free unlimited parking.

    Combat Wounded Veteran License Plate