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Survey & Mapping

This section primarily provides survey support for the design, right-of-way acquisition, construction layout and as-built drawings on all City Capital Improvement Projects.

It also serves various other Departments other than Public Works including Police, Electric, Wastewater, Water, Parks and Recreation, Community Development and the City Attorney's office which may require topographic and boundary surveys or land title research.

Some of the services provided are:

  1. Plat review and approval within corporate city limits submitted by developers. Some examples of notes can be provided upon request.
  2. Maintain and densify the existing horizontal and vertical control network for use by the private sector engineering/surveying firms working within the Lakeland service territory.
  3. Right-of-way information for the general public along roadways and alleys.
  4. Surveying pavement and building locations of new construction within the service territory for 911 to provide data for updating the Geographic Information System (GIS).
  5. Stormwater inventory horizontal and vertical positioning.
  6. Preparing legal descriptions for easements, right-of-ways and zoning. 

Additional Links

We have a map available online for our bench run data which uses NAVD-88 datum:  AGOL Maps Available

To access our geohub where you may download this data:  Lakeland's Geohub