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Resources and Contact Information for Permit Inspections

Review the section below pertaining to your type of work.

  • Commercial Site

    Commercial projects are processed by the Building Inspection Division. The Public Works Engineering Division performs several inspections during the construction phase including a pre-construction meeting, interim site inspections, and a final inspection.

    Public Works Engineering Inspectors shall be notified through the Community & Economic Development iMS System or IVR system for a pre-construction meeting at least 48 hours prior to beginning any site construction activities.  

    You can schedule an inspection on your permit through iMS, call the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) number, or text SelectTXT.

    IVR: 863.226.1519    

    SelectTXT: 877.667.1720    

    Access iMS

    Public Works Engineering Inspectors perform inspections for driveways, public sidewalks, solid waste enclosures, erosion control, and other aspects of a project site.  All work must comply with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.

    If you have any questions related to a driveway, solid waste enclosure, and/or erosion control please contact our chief inspector, Phil Hart | 863.510.6258.

  • Demolition

    Demolitions are processed by the Building Inspection Division and inspected by the Public Works Engineering Division.  

    Public Works Engineering Inspectors shall be notified through the Community & Economic Development iMS System or IVR system for a pre-construction meeting at least 48 hours prior to beginning any site activities.  

    You can schedule an inspection on your permit through iMS, call the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) number, or text SelectTXT.

    IVR: 863.226.1519    

    SelectTXT: 877.667.1720    

    Questions:  Please contact our chief inspector: Phil Hart | 863.510.6258

    All work must comply with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.

  • Residential Driveway

    Driveways are processed by the Building Inspection Division and inspected by the Public Works Engineering Division.

    Public Works Engineering Inspectors shall be notified through the Community & Economic Development iMS System or IVR system for a pre-construction meeting at least 48 hours prior to beginning any site activities.  

    You can schedule an inspection on your permit through iMS, call the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) number, or text SelectTXT.

    IVR: 863.226.1519    

    SelectTXT: 877.667.1720    

    Access iMS

    In case of difficulties with the iMS or IVR systems, call 863.834.4IMS (863.834.4467). 

    All work must comply with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.

    Please contact Phil Hart at 863.510.6258 for information on how to install your new driveway. 

  • Right-of-Way Use

    Any work within the City of Lakeland right-of-way of any nature, including road or sidewalk closures, will require a Right-of-Way Use Permit through the Public Works Engineering Division, prior to commencement of any work.

    All work within the right-of-way shall be in full compliance with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.  A "Maintenance of Traffic Plan" shall be required for all traffic detours, lane closures and/or construction work within City rights-of-way.    

    Public Works Engineering Inspectors shall be notified through the Community & Economic Development iMS System or IVR system for a pre-construction meeting at least 48 hours prior to beginning any site activities.  

    You can schedule an inspection on your permit through iMS, call the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) number, or text SelectTXT.

    IVR: 863.226.1519    

    SelectTXT: 877.667.1720    

    Access iMS

    In case of difficulties with the iMS or IVR systems, call 863.834.4IMS (863.834.4467). 

    Below are some valuable resources to use during construction:

    Please contact David Stroud at 863.834.8437 for information on how to apply for a right-of-way use permit.  Please contact Phil Hart at 863.510.6258 with any field-related questions.

  • Fees for Right-of-Way Non-Utility Permit


    Tier Fee Duration (Calendar Day) Travel Lane Closure Sidewalk Closure Length DRT meeting Area
    1 None Up to 90 Days None Up to 300 feet Not Required Outside Downtown
    2 $250 91-150 Days Yes Over 300 feet Not Required Outside Downtown
    3 None Up to 30 Days None Up to 150 feet Not Required Inside Downtown
    4 $250 31-90 Days Up to 7 consecutive calendar days 151-300 feet Required Inside Downtown
    5 $500 91-150 Days 8 to 21 Consecutive calendar days Over 300 feet Required Inside Downtown
    Extension Fee Schedule --------------------------- Penalties --------------------------   Inside Downtown Area -----------------------------
    Extension  Fee Penalty Description Fee   Parking Spaces On-Street Parking Fees
    First $500 Working without a permit $500   Second $70 Monthly
    Second $1,000 Violating permit condition $500   Third $180 Monthly = $70+$110
    Third $1,500 Substantial inactivity in R/W for 7 or more consecutive days $250   Fourth $330 Monthly =$70+$110+$150
              Fifth $660 Monthly*
              Sixth $1320 Monthly *
              *fees continue to double for any additional parking spaces and requests for four spaces or more must be approved in writing by the Public Works Director  
    Sidewalk or Parklet Permit $100 Annually for duration of the cafe or parklet          


  • Permit Provisions

    Permit Provisions which are accepted during the permit process

  • Right-of-Way Use for Utilities

    Any work within the City of Lakeland right-of-way of any nature, relating to internal City of Lakeland utilities (such as Fiber, Water, Wastewater or Electric) or relating to external partners (such as Gas, Cable) will require a Utility Right-of-Way Use Permit through the Public Works Engineering Division, prior to commencement of any work.

    All work within the right-of-way shall be in full compliance with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.  A "Maintenance of Traffic Plan" shall be required for all traffic detours, lane closures and/or construction work within City rights-of-way.  The Traffic Operations Division shall approve said plan and shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance at telephone number 863.834.3491.  

    Please request the permit form from staff below to initiate the process. Upon approval of the permit, you will receive an email with the attached permit.

    Please contact David Stroud at 863.834.8437 for questions on applying for a right-of-way use permit.  Please contact Phil Hart at 863.510.6258 with any field-related questions.

  • Sidewalk Cafe and Sidewalk Parklet

    A business must obtain a ROW Non-Utility permit from the City of Lakeland's Public Works Department to authorize use of the public right of way for a sidewalk cafe or parklet. 

    Public Works shall be notified through the Community & Economic Development iMS System or IVR system prior to beginning any site activities.  

    You can schedule an inspection on your permit through iMS, call the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) number, or text SelectTXT.

    IVR: 863.226.1519    

    SelectTXT: 877.667.1720    

    Access iMS

    In case of difficulties with the iMS or IVR systems, call 863.834.4IMS (863.834.4467). 

    Questions on Sidewalk Cafe and Parklets Permit Standards and Conditions may be sent to Ryan Lazenby.

    Sidewalk Cafe and Parklets also have an annual recurring fee of $100 per city resolution 5744 adopted February 21, 2022.

  • Site Alteration (Site Work)

    The Public Works Engineering Division performs several inspections during the demolition phase.  General Conditions for Approval may be downloaded.

    If you have any questions related to your demolition, please contact our chief inspector below::

    Public Works Engineering Inspectors perform inspections for erosion control and other aspects of the project site.  All work must comply with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.


  • Subdivision

    The Public Works Engineering Division will issue a Letter of Authorization to Begin Construction upon approval of a set of subdivision plans.  Upon approval, the developer is required to schedule a pre-construction meeting at least 48 hours prior to starting construction.  

    Pre-Construction Meeting Attendees

    The following individuals shall be invited to the pre-construction meeting:

    Phil Hart
    O: 863.834.6246
    C: 863.510.6285

    Gina Graham
    O: 863.834.8327

    Luis Duran
    O: 863-834-6580

    Bill Koen
    O: 863-834-2233


    All construction shall be in compliance with the City of Lakeland Engineering Standards Manual.  A set of the City approved final construction plans shall be kept at the construction site for inspection.

    During construction, any modifications to the plans must be re-approved by the City.

    Copies of all permits necessary for construction from FDEP, SWFWMD, US Army Corp, FDOT, Polk County, etcetera, shall be kept on-site for the entire duration of construction.  Upon completion of the improvements, please make a request to the City inspectors for a final inspection, which will be required prior to the final approval of your construction by the City.  The Engineer of Record will also need to submit the required certifications and as-built records to the City for review and approval.

    Developers are encouraged to submit plan geometry as early as possible in order to provide time to complete reviews in advance of construction completion.