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Municipal Boards & Committees 

 Lakeland City Commission Committee Assignments

Current Boards & Committees:
Scroll down for descriptions & appointment procedures.

  • Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
  • Affordable Housing Review Committee
  • Airport Advisory Board
  • Beautification Board
  • Civil Service Board
  • Code Enforcement Board
  • Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Advisory Board
  • Employees' Pension Board
  • Firefighters' Pension Trust - Board of Trustees
  • Historic Preservation Board
  • Housing Authority Board
  • Lakeland History and Culture Center Advisory Board 
  • Mayor's Council on the Arts
  • Nuisance Abatement Board
  • Planning & Zoning Board
  • Police Officers' Retirement Fund
  • Public Improvement Endowment Fund Board
  • Utility Committee
  • Youth Council
  • Zoning Board of Adjustments & Appeals
A picture of a committee


Join the Lakeland Youth Council and Make a Difference in Your Community!


The Lakeland City Commission invites you to be part of an exciting new initiative - The Lakeland Youth Council. This is your opportunity to weigh in on issues that matter to you and your peers.


The Youth Council offers a platform for high school students like you to voice your concerns and ideas, discussing community issues and services that impact you. You'll be part of a team that makes recommendations to the City Commission, influencing decisions and shaping your city’s future.

Comprised of up to
15 students, the Mayor and the City Commission will handpick the Youth Council members. Each member of the Commission nominates two students, and an additional member may be nominated to reach our 15-member goal. The nominees are validated by a majority vote, with Commissioner Stephanie Madden serving as your liaison, ensuring your efforts and contributions are continually communicated to the City Commission.

The only requirements? You need to be a resident of Lakeland, living within the city limits, and actively enrolled in either a public or private high school (grades 9-12). Members are appointed for two-year terms, except for 12th graders whose term will end upon graduation.

Ready to make a difference? Applying is easy! Simply download the application and email it to cityclerk@lakelandgov.net

Once selected, you'll be invited to a mandatory retreat to meet your fellow council members and prepare for your role. You'll be officially sworn in at a City Commission meeting. If you have not received confirmation your application was received by the City Clerk's Office, please call 863.834.6210


Step up and shape your city's future. Join the Lakeland Youth Council today!


Current Openings

We are currently seeking applications for the following Boards & Committees:

Mayor's Council on the Arts (2 Seats) - At-Large members must live inside City Limits and represent at least the following expertise: (a) one landscape architect, architect, urban planner or related design professional; (b) one active professional artist; (c) one private citizen knowledgeable in the field of public art, education, or community affairs. 


Fill out and submit your Boards & Committees application at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions, please call 863.834.6210.

Learn More

  • Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

    Reviews established policies and procedures, ordinances, development regulations, and adopts a comprehensive housing plan for the City.

    Meeting: Quarterly at 4 PM - March, June, September, December (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: City residents, consisting of eleven (11) members. The following members in connection with affordable housing: engaged in residential home building, engaged in the banking industry, area of labor engaged in home building, advocate for low-income persons, engaged as a for-profit provider, engaged as a non-profit provider, real estate professional, member who serves on local planning agency, resides within the City of Lakeland.

  • Affordable Housing Review Committee

    Accepts applications for incentives, reviewing applications and proposed development, and approving or denying all or a portion of the requested incentives.

    Meeting: As called

    Members: Two seats available to the public, a land planner or architect and a representative of the local lending community.

  • Airport Advisory Board

    Enhance stakeholder input regarding operations, capital projects, planning and strategic business development opportunities.

    Meeting: As called

    Members: Mayor, Commissioner, General Aviation Representative, Corporate Aviation Representative, Airport Tenant Representative, 3 Citizens At-Large, and an Economic Development Representative.

  • Beautification Board

    Advises beautification and preservation of natural beauty within the City of Lakeland.

    Meeting: 2nd Monday of each month at 4 PM, except June, July, and August in the Parks & Recreation Conference Room (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: One citizen from each quadrant and two at-large with no more than two members from each quadrant.

    Nominations: The Beautification Board of the City of Lakeland awards Certificates of Merit to citizens or places of business in Lakeland who have made certain improvements to their property which contribute to the overall beauty of our City.

    You may nominate a residential or commercial property for an award by emailing Bill Koen at Bill.Koen@Lakelandgov.net or calling in a nomination to 863.834.2233.

  • Civil Service

    Oversees procedures for employment, promotion and discharge of employees under the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.

    Meeting: 4th Tuesday of every two months (beginning in February) at 8:30 a.m. – Human Resources Conference Room - large(228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801).

    Members: Three members appointed by the Commission; three members elected by the employees. One member appointed by the previous six members. Members must be over the age of 21, a registered voter, and live inside the Lakeland Electric Service Territory.

  • Code Enforcement Board

    Enforces certain codes and ordinances; makes findings of fact; issues orders to bring violations into compliance; imposes fines for continued and repeat violations.

    Meeting: 4th Tuesday at 1:30 PM in City Commission Chamber (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: Seven residents of the City of Lakeland; members to include, whenever possible, an architect, business person, engineer, construction contractor, sub-contractor, realtor, and neighborhood associate, Two alternates. Financial Disclosure is required.

  • Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Board

    Implements the CRA Redevelopment Plan established and authorized by the City Commission.

    Meeting: 1st Thursday of the month at 3 PM in the City Commission Conference Room (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: Three members from the Downtown CRA, three members from the Dixieland CRA, three members from the Midtown CRA, one member appointed from the City at-large, and one City Commissioner appointed by the Mayor.

  • Employees' Pension Board

    Oversees the administration and investments of the employees’ pension fund.

    Meeting: 4th Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the City Commission Conference Room, City Hall (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: Three members appointed by the Commission - one may be an employee and would be exempt from the residency requirement; three members elected by the employees-one may be an employee and would be exempt from the residency requirement, and one member appointed by the previous six members. Other members must live inside City limits.

    Annual Financial Disclosure, Legal and Investment Education required each term.

  • Firefighters' Pension Trust - Board of Trustees

    Invests funds in Firefighters' Pension Trusts and administer the plan; shall meet at least quarterly each year.

    Meeting: 2nd Tuesday, Feb, May, Aug, Nov – Lakeland Fire Department (701 E Main St, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: Two city residents appointed by the City Commission, two full-time fire fighter members of the system elected by the members, and one member appointed by the previous four members. 

    Annual Financial Disclosure, Legal and Investment Education required each term

  • Historic Preservation Board

    Promotes the preservation program for historic structures and sites,and administers design guidelines in the City’s seven historic districts.

    Meeting: 4th Thursday of the month at 8:30 AM in the City Commission Chambers - 3rd floor City Hall (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801). 

    Members: No less than 9, no more than 13, to include whenever possible, an architect, a landscape architect or designer, a contractor or builder, a representative of a local historical society, a civil or structural engineer, a realtor or developer, and an individual owning or leasing property or operating a business within each historic district in the city, and at least two members from the general public.

  • Lakeland Housing Authority Board

    Operates and manages the low-rent housing projects in Lakeland.

    Meeting: 3rd Monday each month - Lakeland Housing Authority (430 Hartsell Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33815)

    Members: Seven members, who must reside inside Polk County and shall include one member who resides in a housing project or receives rent subsidy. There shall be a member from each quadrant of the city, and three at-large members.

    Financial Disclosure is required.

  • Lakeland History And Culture Center Advisory Committee

    To serve as an organizational structure to facilitate coordinated and comprehensive planning for exhibits at the Lakeland History and Culture Center that represent the diverse and vibrant experiences of our city.

    Meeting: Quarterly as called by the Chair.

    Members include:

    (2)  Librarian Supervisor, Lakeland History and Culture Center, who shall serve as Chair;

    (3) Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department Director, or designee;

    (4) Senior Planner for Historic Preservation, Community and Economic Development Department;

    (5) Six at-large members possessing the following qualifications:

    1. Resident who lives within the city limits of the City of Lakeland;
    2. Active in community affairs;
    3. Interest in the history and culture of the city;
    4. Whenever possible based upon applicant interest and background, at least one resident of each City Commission district shall be appointed to serve as an at-large member.
  • Mayor's Council on the Arts

    The Mayor's Council on the Arts seeks to enhance public participation in decisions involving the arts community and make recommendations on grant funding to qualified organizations.

    Members include representatives of various arts organizations and citizen members as named by the Mayor with approval of the Municipal Boards Committee.

    Meeting: Quarterly as called by the Mayor or Chair

    Location: Various


  • Nuisance Abatement Board

    Hears complaints relating to public nuisances that threaten the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City.

    Meeting: Third Wednesday of every month at 3 PM unless cancelled - City Commission Chamber (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: Board shall be composed of seven members who are residents of the city, appointed by the Mayor; to include a member engaged in real estate or property management.

  • Planning & Zoning Board

    Oversees City’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. Makes recommendations on Future Land Use Map and zoning/rezoning requests.

    Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:30 AM in the City Commission Chamber (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: All seven (7) members shall be residents of the City of Lakeland.

    Financial Disclosure is required.

  • Police Officers' Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

    Invests funds in Police Officers' retirement fund.

    Meeting: Quarterly on 3rd Tuesday of February, May, August and November at the Lakeland Police Department (219 N Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: Five members: Two Commission appointed (residency required), two Police Officer elected (active police officers-no residency requirement) and one appointed by the previous four.

    Annual Financial Disclosure, Legal and Investment Education required each term.

  • Public Improvement Endowment Fund Board

    Responsible for investing the Public Improvement Endowment Fund.

    Meeting: Quarterly as called by the Chair. 

    Members: The Board shall consist of the City's Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director, City Treasurer, a member appointed by the City Manager, and a member appointed by the Mayor. 

  • Utility Committee

    Advisory to Mayor & City Commission and responsible for the review of Lakeland Electric financial and operational reports, fuel cost recovery, rate structures, contracts, programs and departmental initiatives.

    Meeting: 11 a.m., after the FIRST Agenda Study of the month in the City Commission Conference Room (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801); unless there is a holiday.

    Agenda Studies take place on the Friday preceding each City Commission Meeting.

    City Commission Meetings take place on the first and third Mondays of each month unless there is a holiday. 

    Members: Mayor, Six City Commissioners, one city resident who is a residential rate customer, one non-resident who is a residential rate customer, one citizen member whose company or employer is in the Industrial Rate Class (residency not required), one resident whose company or employer is in the Commercial Rate Class and two resident rate customers that live within the Lakeland Electric service area.

  • Zoning Board of Adjustments & Appeals

    Hears and decides appeals for variances from the literal enforcement of the terms of the Zoning Code.

    Meeting: 1st Tuesday of each month at 9 AM in the City Commission Chamber (228 S Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801)

    Members: All seven (7) members shall be residents of the City of Lakeland.

    Financial Disclosure is required.

Appointment Procedures

  • Application Procedures

    All interested residents are encouraged to submit an application via the form at the bottom of this page. 


    Email the City Clerk's office at cityclerk@lakelandgov.net

    After your application has been received, the following process occurs:

    1. Your name is entered into a database of “potential members.”
    2. When an opening occurs, a Municipal Boards Committee meeting is called, and prospective members are chosen from the respective Board or Committee database.
    3. The Municipal Boards Committee is comprised of three City Commissioners who then recommend prospective members to the full City Commission for a final appointment.
  • Attendance

    Most advisory groups meet once a month. Excessive absenteeism is cause for removal of a board or committee member. If a member of a committee fails to attend more than 25% of the scheduled meetings during any 12-month period, he or she automatically vacates their position on the committee.

  • Terms
    • Members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years and may not serve more than two consecutive three-year terms; after having served two consecutive three-year terms, members may not be eligible for reappointment until after the expiration of three (3) years. Any period of membership in excess of 18 months shall be considered a full term of office.
    • Exceptions to the above are the Drug Related Nuisance Abatement Board, whose members may be reappointed without limitation, and the Lakeland Housing Authority Board, Lakeland Police Pension Board, and Lakeland Fire Pension Board whose members shall serve four (4) year terms.
    • No person may serve on more than one board or committee, unless such service is required by law.
    • Each Board or Committee shall elect its chairperson on an annual basis and no member shall serve more than two consecutive terms as chairperson.
    • Except where professional qualifications, special skills, or occupational requirements are necessary for membership, each Board or Committee, where possible and practical, shall be represented by at least one member from each quadrant or district of the City.

Boards & Committees Application

First & Last Name
Please include full address including City, State, Zip
The City of Lakeland strives to ensure that all City Boards & Committees are representative of the community's demographic makeup and that all citizens are represented. To assist in this endeavor, please check the appropriate boxes.

I am interested in serving on the following advisory boards and/or committees (check all that apply):

(ie., education, profession, personal and/or professional accomplishments, honors/awards, professional designations, hobbies, etc.) or attach a current resume.

You may upload your resume and/or provide additional information or letters of endorsement here.
Applicants: Do not answer

Applicants: Do not answer

Applicants: Do not answer