Should customers want to change the size of container, the City will provide a change one time a year at no cost. Customers that wish to change their container size within the year time frame will incur a $35.00 fee.
EZcan FAQs
Gene Ginn, Solid Waste Manager
Should customers want to change the size of container, the City will provide a change one time a year at no cost. Customers that wish to change their container size within the year time frame will incur a $35.00 fee.
Any resident that is on medical waiver pickup will continue to have that service. Residents need to place the garbage in the automated container and ensure the container is visible from the street. If you need to inquire about front door service, please contact our office at 836.834.8773.
Residents should notify the Solid Waste Division by emailing customer service or at 863.834.8773 for the scheduling of bulk waste collection. You may also refer to our Special Pickups in the left hand menu.
Keeping the container clean is the responsibility of the homeowner. If you bag all your trash, maintenance is minor. An occasional washing with water and a little ammonia or disinfectant cleaner will keep your barrel odor-free.
All household garbage items may be placed in the container. It is also recommended that garbage items be bagged and tied, then deposited in your container. This practice will keep your container cleaner and minimize odors.
Do not load your container with hot ashes or coals, recyclable items, household hazardous waste or medical waste, paint, or any yard waste such as bagged or loose grass, leaves, or small branches.
Containers may be stored in the garage, carport, shed, or under cover of the household. Containers may also be stored outdoors to the side or rear of the household, but may not be stored in the front yard. Containers must be removed from the curb on or before 6:00 am following the day of collection.
Residents with alley collection are not required to remove the containers from the alley.
Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the current recycling options available to them to reduce the amount of garbage they need to place at the curb. The more you recycle, the less garbage is produced. If one recycling bin is not adequate to hold all of your recyclables, an additional recycling cart can be obtained by calling Solid Waste at 863.834.8773.
An additional automated container can be made available for large families, but the City encourages recycling before adding containers. All containers remain the property of the City and are assigned to your residence by serial number. Please call Solid Waste to arrange for a second container if necessary and to review associated costs. Charges do apply both for a one time additional cart and for monthly charges related to each additional cart.
Container problems associated with normal wear and tear will be repaired by the City at no additional charges to the homeowner. Do not trade, steal, or remove carts.
Residents are responsible for routine maintenance, including keeping the containers clean, removing the containers from the street after collection, and storing the containers in a safe place.
If you cart has been stolen, missing, or is in need a repair, please call our office at 863.834.8773 or submit a Service Request.
To remain as efficient as possible, the truck driver does not exit the vehicle; therefore, proper placement of the containers is essential. Please allow at least 3 feet of clearance around the container to allow for proper collection.
Place the container at the end of your driveway, at the edge of the street, or next to the curb with the wheels facing your property. The arrows on the lid of the wheeled container must point toward the street and away from your property. Move your wheeled container out for collection before 6:00 AM on your collection day or the night before. Please remove your container from the curb by end of collection day. The collection driver will tag containers that do not follow proper container placement procedures.
Residents with alley collection are not required to remove the containers from the alley.
National surveys indicate the 95-gallon container is adequate for the average home of four (4) people. Each container will hold the equivalent of three (3) normal trash cans. It is important that you place all household garbage inside the container so that the operator can utilize the mechanical arm to lift the container and empty it. If you have an unusual amount of garbage that will not fit in the container, please notify the solid waste division of your special needs.
One container is supplied free of charge to each household.
Automated collection services rates depend upon the size of container assigned to your address and are as follows:
Your container is the property of the City. It is provided for this location only and must remain at this property. If you relocate to another location within the City limits, call our office to determine specifics about trash collection service (day(s) of service, for example). You also have 90 days after moving into your new location to change the size of the container at your new address at no charge.
The key to automated once-a-week curbside service is the ability of the solid waste trucks to use the automated collection arm which picks up the container. This does not work if bags of garbage are placed outside of your container. However, in the event you do have extra bags of trash, a sticker will be placed on the inside of your container lid to help you track those days where additional collection services were required. The driver will place the additional bags into the container after emptying it and will empty the container again. Each resident is permitted 4 additional pick-ups per calendar year for bagged garbage that exceeds the capacity of your container. If the driver has to fill your container with bagged items twice, that will count as two of your four additional pick-ups.
Once you have had your 4 additional pick-ups, should you continue to have extra bags for collection, you will be billed $15.00 per each instance. Please contact our offices for any questions at 863.834.8773.
EZcan FAQs
Gene Ginn, Solid Waste Manager