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  • Four colorful illustrated people with conversation bubbles above their head with English and Spanish greetings and text above "Lakeland Public Library Bilingual Conversational Meetup"

    Bilingual Conversational Meetup

    Have you learned English or Spanish but don’t have a way to practice? Join Bilingual Conversational Meetup on Thursday, March 20th from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the Lakeland Public Library Meeting Room for conversational practice. ¡Vamos! Let’s go!

    No registration required. This event is for ages 18+.

  • Microsoft Word icon on navy checked background with text "Word Basics: Formatting" Larry R. Jackson Branch

    Word Basics: Formatting at Jackson Branch Library

    Join us at the Larry R. Jackson Branch Library on Tuesday, March 25th from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM to learn how to format documents in Microsoft Word to make them look the way you want and incorporate multimedia elements. 

    If you would like to use a library-provided laptop, registration is required and opens Tuesday, March 18th at 5:30 PM. You do not need to register if you bring your own device, but please know that this class will focus on Windows computers and some instruction may differ.

    Questions? Contact Ray Daugherty at 863.834.4291 or email Ray.Daugherty@lakelandgov.net.

  • Artist easel with canvas, yellow and red paints, and mug with paintbrushes with text above "Paint with a Pro!" Lakeland Public Library; link to Library events calendar registration for Paint with a Pro

    Paint with a Pro!

    Dive into creativity at Lakeland Public Library to craft a stunning spring painting with the help of a pro! In this hands-on workshop on Friday, March 21st from 3 PM to 4:30 PM in the Meeting Room, you’ll receive step-by-step guidance from a professional painter to develop your masterpiece. All supplies will be provided; just bring your imagination!

    This class is for ages 18 and up. Registration is required and opens on Friday, March 14th at 3 PM.


  • Stars, bubbles, and anime cat hugging a heart with text above "LJB Manga & Anime Club, Larry R. Jackson Branch Library. Ages 13-17, Crafts, Snacks, Games"

    Manga & Anime Club at Jackson Branch Library

    Calling all 13 to 17-year-old anime fans! The LJB Anime club is dedicated to all things manga and anime! We have crafts, anime related activities, art materials and snacks. Bring your opinions, recommendations, and come hang out! Join us on Friday, March 21st from 3 PM to 4:30 PM at the Larry R. Jackson Branch Library!

    Please note that some shows might have content intended for a PG-13 audience.

    Questions? Contact Marine Acosta Ponce 863.834.1828 or email marine.acostaponce@lakelandgov.net for additional information.

  • Five seated children looking off screen smiling; link to Lakeland Libraries' Storytime Programs event calendar

    Preschool Storytimes at Lakeland Libraries

    All three Lakeland Library locations have preschool storytimes for children ages 2-5 and their grownups! With stories, songs, rhymes and activities, storytimes promote the development of preliteracy, verbal and listening skills, and socio-emotional skills.

    Kelly Branch Library Storytimes (10:15 AM select Tuesdays) 
    March 18

    Lakeland Public Library Storytimes (10 AM select Wednesdays) 
    March 12, 19, 26
    April 2, 9, 30

    Larry R. Jackson Branch Storytimes (10 AM select Thursdays) 
    March 13, 20
    April 3, 10, 17

    For more information, please contact the Kelly Branch Library 863.834.4286, Lakeland Public Library 863.834.4268, or Larry R. Jackson Branch Library 863.834.4288  

  • Libby logo on maroon background with text borrow ebooks, audiobooks & magazines; Link to Libby digital collection

    Introducing Magazines on Libby!

    Your favorite magazines are now available on your device with Libby, the library reading app! Browse and borrow from an incredible array of magazines covering a wide range of interests with no wait lists. From fashion and finance to science and society, there’s something for everyone. Get started today for free with your library card on Libby!