Book Clubs at the Lakeland Libraries
Book clubs are a great way to meet other readers and discover new favorite authors and titles. We've got a variety of book clubs across our three Lakeland Libraries locations that we think you'll love. Check out our event calendar for upcoming book club meetings and learn about our book clubs below.
The Reserve Book Club -- Want to discuss that popular new title you just finished? We're here for you! Every month we'll discuss a recent best-selling book. We meet at the Kelly Branch Library on the first Thursday of the month at 6:15 pm.
Sweet & Spicy Book Club -- This is NOT your Mother’s Book Club! Join your favorite librarians to discuss a different romance book each month. Explore new genres, share recommendations, and make friends. The Sweet & Spicy Book Club meets in the Lakeland History Room at the Lakeland Public Library on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Books Sandwiched In -- Looking to expand your reading palate? Love to talk about books? Books Sandwiched In explores a variety of topics, genres, and formats. Books Sandwiched In meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Larry R. Jackson Branch Library at 12:15 PM.
¡La biblioteca viva! -- Un club de lectura donde las historias cobran vida a través de la conversación y la interacción. Aquí, cada libro es una puerta abierta a nuevas ideas, culturas y emociones, transformando la experiencia de leer en un viaje compartido. ¡Ven y sé parte de una biblioteca que respira, escucha y conecta! La biblioteca viva se reune el segundo martes a las 5:30 PM de cada mes en la biblioteca principal de Lakeland.