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Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch Promotes Neighborliness!

Neighborhood Watch programs provide residents with the feeling of ownership for their community by promoting the belief it is everyone's responsibility to see that their community is a safer place to live.

Neighborhood Watch encourages residents to be alert for suspicious activity in the area and interact with each other by exchanging information about work schedules, vacation plans, types of vehicles belonging to residents, etc. Regular monthly meetings offer residents updated information on current crime trends and allows residents the opportunity to plan watch programs for their area.

Do Neighborhood Watch programs really work? A recent study by the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office found "Across all eligible studies combined, Neighborhood Watch was associated with a reduction in crime. You can read the entire study here.

Some advantages of Neighborhood Watches include:

  • Reduces crime and prevents crime
  • Provides direct contact with the Police Department
  • Increases awareness about activity in the City of Lakeland
  • Helps neighbors get to know each other
  • Assist the Police Department with crime prevention efforts
A picture of neighborhood watch flyer

Cindy Sharp, Supervisor
Phone: 863.834.6912